JRButler / Digital-lava-lamp

A set of Processing sketches and some python for creating a standalone digital lava lamp running on Raspberry Pi using addressable LEDs.
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Hardware Optimization #2

Open xieqingxiao opened 5 years ago

xieqingxiao commented 5 years ago

Dear Julian Butler,

This is Tony from China. I appreciate your lavalamp project. It is quit awesome!
I want to make it commercialize, but it is quite expensive(Raspberry Pi 3B+ and Fadecandy ). So I want to find out is there any way to reduce the total cost.

  1. I find that Fadecandy could be replaced by Level-converter Chip - 74AHCT125.(https://learn.adafruit.com/neopixels-on-raspberry-pi/overview) . Thanks to the Adafruit CircuitPython NeoPixel library, people can now control NeoPixels or WS2811/WS2812 LEDs directly from the Raspberry Pi! Another issue happen. How to performance the processing sketch with CircuitPython NeoPixel library?
  2. I find another solution how to control the NeoPixels with mobile. https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/bportaluri/web-controlled-led-animations-with-raspberry-pi-and-arduino-112025?ref=search&ref_id=web%20control%20led&offset=1

If you have any idea how to solve this issue, please feel free to contact me (xieqingxiao@sina.com).

JRButler commented 5 years ago

You certainly can drive NeoPixels directly from a Raspberry Pi but you will miss out on the dithering and colour-blending capabilities of the FadeCandy board which is partly why the low light colours of the lavalamp are successful. If you read more at ScanLime's repo you will see why I chose it and why it's necessary for the project.