EU's Type-Approving vehicle simulator predicting NEDC CO2 emissions from WLTP
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Path definitions inside bash-console fail #10

Open ouglin opened 7 years ago

ouglin commented 7 years ago


i have the same problem like mentioned inside #5 . During last workshop one of you guys told me, that console operation should work and in the case it does not he asked for the error. So here it comes.

After starting the bash (i replaced my username with xxx, there are no white spaces inside the path):

D:/USERDATA/xxx/Korelationmodell_WLTP/Conventional/co2mpas_ALLINONE-64bit-v1.4.1/Apps/WinPython/python-3.5.2.amd64/Scripts/co2mpas-autocompletions.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Console help:
  - [Ctrl + F1]         - Open Windows(cmd.exe) tab.
  - [Ctrl + F2]         - Open Bash tab.
  - [Ctrl + W]          - Close current tab.
  - [Shift + PgUp/PgDn] - Scroll up/down.
  - [Ctrl + C]          - Break execution of program or input.
  - [MOUSE-Right]       - Select AND copy into clipboard.
  - [MOUSE-Middle]      - Paste from clipboard.

After starting:

$ co2mpas
D:/USERDATA/xxx/Korelationmodell_WLTP/Conventional/co2mpas_ALLINONE-64bit-v1.4.1/Apps/WinPython/python-3.5.2.amd64/Scripts/co2mpas.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Thanks for help, ouglin

gfon commented 7 years ago

Ouglin thanks for your feedback. We will check it out and come back to you.

ankostis commented 7 years ago

We will try to replicate the issue in a computer without the CRT DLL, to see if it would print the same message; but if you are certain that you are missing the CRT, then there is nothing else Console can do - you have to install it, for CO2MPAS to work.

Please reply back if that is the case.