EU's Type-Approving vehicle simulator predicting NEDC CO2 emissions from WLTP
European Union Public License 1.1
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Input Data for Co2mpas. #17

Open Piluri opened 6 years ago

Piluri commented 6 years ago


one question about the input data in Compas in case where more than one WLTP type-approval test is performed. In the Legislation defined that in case where more than one WLTP type-approval test are performed, the test results with the highest CO2 emissions (in case of 2 tests) or the test with the median CO2 emissions (in case of 3 tests) shall be used.

For example: In case of 2 tests, the test with highest CO2 shall be used. Shall we first apply the RCB (REESS charge balance) to the both Tests and then select the test with highest CO2 Value? Or select the test with highest CO2 Value without any correction?

Does CO2MPAS apply the RCB itself?

Thank you.

VictorValverde commented 6 years ago

Dear Mr. Piluri,

CO2MPAS software uses "raw" WLTC CO2 values, that is to say, no correction (for battery or any other post-test correction) shall be applied to the values obtained during the chassis dyno test. This said, when you perform 2 WLTC tests, and only for the selection of the test to use, you should apply the RCB and select the test with highest CO2 emissions. Once the test is selected, the inputs to CO2MPAS (recoreded time-series) have to be the measured ones during the test without RCB or any other correction.

Thanks for your question and kind regards.

VictorValverde commented 6 years ago

Dear Mr. Piluri,

I have updated my comment above.

Piluri commented 6 years ago

Dear Mr. Valverde, The decision which CO2 value is higher was a little bit confusing?

Option 1 without any posttest correction: Raw WLTC 1 CO2 = 100g/km Raw WLTC 2 CO2 = 101g/km Here I choose the raw WLTC 2 for CO2MPAS!

Option 2: Raw WLTC 1 CO2 (100g/km) + posttest correction = 102g/km Raw WLTC 2 CO2 (101g/km) + posttest correction = 100g/km In option 2 I choose the raw WLTC 1 for co2mpas, because CO2 + posttest correction is higher.

As I understood the option 2 is the write one. Thank you.

VictorValverde commented 6 years ago

Dear Mr. Piluri,

Yes, option 2 is the correct one. Thanks for the example.