JRGTH / bastille-manager-webmin-module

Display jails summary list within Webmin and basic jail management
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Error No such file or directory #2

Open jemail99 opened 2 years ago

jemail99 commented 2 years ago

Latest bastille and webmin module using default settings.

I created a freebsd 13.0 thin jail freebsd-file-server. The freebsd-file-server jail is listed by the webmin module, however clicking on PATH entry /zroot/bastille/jails/freebsd-file-server produces the following error:

Following errors occured while performing operation
    Error opening directory /zroot/bastille/jails/freebsd-file-server No such file or directory

Bastille zfs conf options:

## ZFS options
bastille_zfs_enable="YES"                                             ## default: ""
bastille_zfs_zpool="zroot"                                            ## default: ""
bastille_zfs_prefix="bastille"                                        ## default: "${bastille_zfs_zpool}/bastille"
zfs list
NAME                                            USED    AVAIL   REFER   MOUNTPOINT
zroot/bastille                                  655M    113G    120K    /usr/local/bastille
zroot/bastille/backups                          96K     113G    96K     /usr/local/bastille/backups
zroot/bastille/cache                            180M    113G    96K     /usr/local/bastille/cache
zroot/bastille/cache/13.0-RELEASE               180M    113G    180M    /usr/local/bastille/cache/13.0-RELEASE
zroot/bastille/jails                            5.61M   113G    96K     /usr/local/bastille/jails
zroot/bastille/jails/freebsd-file-server        5.51M   113G    112K    /usr/local/bastille/jails/freebsd-file-server
zroot/bastille/jails/freebsd-file-server/root   5.40M   113G    5.40M   /usr/local/bastille/jails/freebsd-file-server/root
zroot/bastille/logs                             100K    113G    100K    /var/log/bastille
zroot/bastille/releases                         469M    113G    96K     /usr/local/bastille/releases
zroot/bastille/releases/13.0-RELEASE            469M    113G    469M    /usr/local/bastille/releases/13.0-RELEASE
zroot/bastille/templates                        96K     113G    96K     /usr/local/bastille/templates

Should the module show the mounted path of /usr/local/bastille/jails/freebsd-file-server rather than the dataset path?

Also Base releases already extracted: is empty in Download Release section. It should show freebsd13.0 as I have already created a thin jail with that release from the command line via bootstrap. Also typo in Download Release dropdown of DAFAULT instead of DEFAULT.

JRGTH commented 2 years ago

Hi jemail99 thanks for the error report, I've been very busy lately with the work that I haven't time to test/update on several repos indeed, however I will take a look on this issue asap.

In the meant time have you checked and set the module configuration for Full path to bastille default jail directory and set it to: /usr/local/bastille/jails and re-try?

Also do this for the *Full path to bastille directory** which looks for the full path under the module config.


jemail99 commented 2 years ago


Setting the following configuration options explicitly

Full path to bastille default releases directory: /usr/local/bastille/releases
Full path to bastille default jail directory: /usr/local/bastille/jails

allows the file manger to correctly open in webmin and shows releases correctly in the Download releases dialog.

Thank you for your help and for making this webmin module.

JRGTH commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for confirming changing the paths is working for you now, between I will manage to get some time to improve/update the Bastille Webmin module with its latest features asap.
