JSBSim-Team / jsbsim

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Missing target_include_directories in libJSBSim #1021

Closed carlocorradini closed 3 months ago

carlocorradini commented 3 months ago

I'm submitting a ...

Describe the issue I would like to use CMake's FetchContent with JSBSim. Unfortunately, since libJSBSim does not specify its include directories, this is not possible.

What is the current behavior? libJSBSim headers could not be found.

What is the expected behavior? CMake can correctly find the headers using the supplied include directories.

What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? libJSBSim does not specify the include directories (target_include_directories).

Please tell us about your environment:

Other information The bug is simple to resolve. I'll create a PR ASAP