JSBelgrade / cfp

Call For Papers for JS Belgrade meetups
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Introduction to Koa v2 #21

Open stojanovic opened 7 years ago

stojanovic commented 7 years ago

Introduction to Koa v2

Type: Talk

As node.js v7.6 ships with async/await support, Koa v2 was finally published on NPM. The idea of this talk is to introduce the idea of Koa framework. Explains why it is using async/await. Show how it compares to other popular node.js framworks (ie. Express and Hapi) and show the difference from Koa v1.

Preferred language: Serbian or English

Duration: Standard talk (45min-1h)

Preferred size: Any size

When: Whenever

Personal info

Name: Slobodan Stojanović

Email: slobodan@cloudhorizon.com

About: CTO @ Cloud Horizon, co-organizer of JS Belgrade meetup and JS developer.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/slobodan_