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Writing full-stack code without repeating yourself #29

Open noam-honig opened 1 year ago

noam-honig commented 1 year ago

Title of your talk

Writing full-stack code without repeating yourself

Type: Talk or Workshop Talk Description: Add the description for your talk/workshop
As full-stack developers, we write a lot of duplicate and boilerplate code for everyday things such as simple database CRUD, data validation, authorization, and data-type conversions. How can we use a modern web architecture but still maintain our code DRY and increase productivity?

In this live coding session, we'll turn a front-end React app into a full-stack app with code that is easy to write, follow, and, most importantly - maintain. Using: React, node js, express, Postgres and remult Preferred language: Serbian or English

Duration: Lightning talk (~15min), Short talk (~30min), Long talk (~1h) or custom
~45 minutes Preferred size: Small (<30 people), Medium (30-70 people) or Large (70+ people) meetup
All sizes When: When is the best time for you to give this talk? Flexible

Personal info

Name: Your name
Noam Honig Email: Your email (optional)
noam.honig@gmail.com About: Tell us who you are in a few sentences Coder, open-sourcerer, developer experience enthusiast, software architect, and entrepreneur.

At work, I oversee and consult in enterprise legacy systems modernization for fortune 500’s to small businesses. Outside work I love helping NGOs as a full-stack developer and mentor.

My recent endeavor is Remult, an open-source library for simplifying full-stack TypeScript development. Twitter: Your twitter account (optional) @noamhonig Notes: Any additional notes (optional) Here's a link to a video of a similar talk I gave at Budapest JS: https://youtu.be/CnCaMQCu3Kc?t=346

Remult is an open-source project, and I'm one of its maintainers - https://github.com/remult.

Keep this info for the others:
:+1: if you want to hear about this topic
:-1: if you don't (it's ok if you don't want, no hard feelings ofc.)