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pull updates from es20xx #130

Closed UltCombo closed 9 years ago

UltCombo commented 9 years ago

Here are the initial ESLint rules posted by @jaydson, cleaned up a bit (not showing the rules which are enabled by default):

   "no-reserved-keys": 2,
   "block-scoped-var": 2,
   "curly": 2,
   "default-case": 2,
   "no-else-return": 2,
   "no-param-reassign": 2,
   "indent": [2, 4],
   "brace-style": 2,
   "comma-style": 2,
   "no-multiple-empty-lines": [2, { "max": 2 }],
   "quotes": [2, "single"],
   "spaced-line-comment": 2

Note: @jaydson has not specified the max option for the no-multiple-empty-lines rule, I've assumed 2 for the time being. Feel free to edit this message if it is wrong.

Rules to discuss

... More to come.

UltCombo commented 9 years ago

After we settle the rules, we need to start fixing the code to follow the rules -- the build is failing because our code is not passing the linting at the moment.

jaydson commented 9 years ago

I think no-reserved-keys is more like a best-practice rather then ES3 compatibility, but we can keep it disabled.

strict: by default this rule requires all code to have explicit "use strict";. Seeing as all our code is all in ES2015 modules which are implicitly strict, I believe we should set this rule to [2, 'never']. Is this change ok?


UltCombo commented 9 years ago

@jaydson quote from the no-reserved-keys documentation:

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at eliminating the use of ECMAScript 3 keywords and reserved words as object literal keys. As such, it warns whenever an object key would throw an error in an ECMAScript 3 environment.

When Not to Use It

If your code is only going to be executed in an ECMAScript 5 or higher environment, then you can safely leave this rule off.

UltCombo commented 9 years ago

Of course, it would be a best practice if we needed to run our code directly in an ES3 environment. However, our code goes through a compiler (and front-end scripts may also go through a minifier). These tools parse our code into AST, transform it and regenerate the code. In this process, these tools may add/remove the quotes around ES3-reserved keywords, so in the end it doesn't matter checking this rule against our source code.

And of course, we are not targeting ES3 anyway.

jaydson commented 9 years ago

That's make sense.

UltCombo commented 9 years ago

I've temporarily disabled ESLint in the build task as we really need the new improved workflow.

UltCombo commented 9 years ago

We can continue to discuss the code style here, or perhaps it would be better to open a new issue. Anyway, there are higher priorities at the moment.