JStehouwer / FFD_CVPR2020

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Error in get_batch in train.py #15

Open bitrookie opened 3 years ago

bitrookie commented 3 years ago


Many thanks to your wok. I am very interested in your work and I want to try out your model. When I ran the train*.py, I encounter the following issue , here are part of the error messages.

batch = [next(_.generator, None) for _ in self.datasets]

File "D:\Fake Detector\attention_map_to_detect_manipulation\FFD_CVPR2020\dataset.py", line 91, in self = reduction.pickle.load(fromparent)batch = [next(.generator, None) for _ in self.datasets]

File "D:\Fake Detector\attention_map_to_detect_manipulation\FFD_CVPR2020\dataset.py", line 73, in get_batch EOFError: Ran out of input

and reduction.dump(process_obj, to_child) File "C:\Users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\d2l\lib\multiprocessing\reduction.py", line 60, in dump ForkingPickler(file, protocol).dump(obj) TypeError: cannot pickle 'generator' object

What I did is just make directory data/train/Real(Fake) and place my images dataset into the corresponding folder and then ran the train.py. However, it seems it can't work. May I ask whether I missed anything. I am running the program in windows system and I don't know that will affect as well.

Amgroot-w commented 2 years ago

Me too, have you solved this? and how?

pangmaoran commented 9 months ago

set num_workers=0