JSubelj / g910-gkey-macro-support

GKey support for Logitech G910 Keyboard on Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
99 stars 29 forks source link

[Issue] September 17th 2023 update broke the service #83

Closed Captn138 closed 6 months ago

Captn138 commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug App was working before. Update released on september 17th. App is now broken

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Download and run the service.

Expected behavior Service should not crash

Screenshots N/A

Additional info

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context afaik the issue would come from reading the $HOME env var and returning NoneType object instead of a string.

suabo commented 9 months ago

Can you help me figure out why it is not working for you? Can you first try echo $HOME. The response should be /home/yourusername

Since the application runs no longer with root privileges it needs to know your home folder to read/write config and logs. The log file should now be in your home directory. The config file should be in ~/.config/g910-gkeys/config.json. The installer should have copied your existing config to that location. Or maybe not if the HOME env var is not set?

suabo commented 9 months ago

Since the service is now installed as user service you have to use: journalctl --user -u g910-gkeys

The fact you get a message in journalctl -u g910-gkeys is dedicating the service is still run by root.

Can you confirm you didn't install with root (sudo)? If not try to uninstall and install without sudo again.
That part changed in the installation since the last version!

Captn138 commented 9 months ago

Well I think there is the broblem. The service still runs as root, and .config/g910-gkeys doesn't exist. I installed it using yay on ArchLinux.

$ systemctl cat g910-gkeys

# /usr/lib/systemd/system/g910-gkeys.service
Description=Support for Logitech g910 keyboard gkeys

ExecStart=/usr/bin/env g910-gkeys
ExecReload=/bin/kill -SIGUSR1 $MAINPID

suabo commented 9 months ago

I forgot about the PKGBUILD. It still sets the service up for root. I try to correct it, but since I'm in ubuntu I can't really test it.

It seams like we also got an issue with versioning in arch distributions because the git path to the repo in PKGBUILD points to the master branch, which is always the latest version. Meaning that you can't even use the old 0.3.0 with yay, because PKGBUILD will get the latest version. This is just an hint for me to fix this issue, too.

suabo commented 9 months ago

I made some changes to the PKGBUILD as well as to the g910-gkeys-git.install. But I haven't uploaded it to AUR the package there is still 0.3.0. I hope jlaunay who is maintaining the package there is checking my changes and upload 0.4.0 there.

If you don't want to wait you can uninstall it with yay and install it from source as described in the readme.

Captn138 commented 9 months ago

Okay, thanks. I'll probably wait for the AUR update tho.

Zalkortis commented 9 months ago

I've downloaded v0.3.0 as source, removed the AUR package, because no matter what I tried, it was not working anymore. Installed 0.3.0 manually and now its working again. I think I'll just stick with 0.3.0 now, don't see a point in spending that much time every once in a while to try to fix the issues with this tool.

I would highly recommend to test your stuff before breaking it for everybody and then don't come back to fix it.

Thanks suabo for your effort, kudos!

suabo commented 9 months ago

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. At the moment there is nobody testing the driver on arch linux and since the last update brought a big change the chances something breaking was very high. I just set up an arch linux in docker and trying my best to fix the aur package. I report here if there are some news.

jlaunay commented 9 months ago

The package was updated on AUR on 09/22 and it works (Feel free to leave a comment on AUR if it's not). Do not use the PKGBUILD available here, packages should never handle your /home directory (pacman is running as root). The PKGBUILD here cannot work

Captn138 commented 9 months ago

I think something is wrong then, because it says there is a permission error:

sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]: Traceback (most recent call last):
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:   File "/usr/bin/g910-gkeys", line 8, in <module>
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:     sys.exit(main())
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:              ^^^^^^
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/g910_gkeys/g910_gkeys.py", line 66, in main
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:     start()
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/g910_gkeys/g910_gkeys.py", line 83, in start
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:     device = USBDevice()
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:              ^^^^^^^^^^^
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/g910_gkeys/lib/usb_device.py", line 22, in __init__
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:     if self.dev.is_kernel_driver_active(self.usb_if) is True:
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/usb/core.py", line 1107, in is_kernel_driver_active
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:     self._ctx.managed_open()
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/usb/core.py", line 113, in wrapper
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:     return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/usb/core.py", line 131, in managed_open
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:     self.handle = self.backend.open_device(self.dev)
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/usb/backend/libusb1.py", line 804, in open_device
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:     return _DeviceHandle(dev)
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/usb/backend/libusb1.py", line 652, in __init__
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:     _check(_lib.libusb_open(self.devid, byref(self.handle)))
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/usb/backend/libusb1.py", line 604, in _check
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]:     raise USBError(_strerror(ret), ret, _libusb_errno[ret])
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo env[28876]: usb.core.USBError: [Errno 13] Access denied (insufficient permissions)
sept. 27 21:24:49 z9-neo systemd[1081]: g910-gkeys.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
suabo commented 9 months ago

Thx @jlaunay for the correction of the pkgbuild. I will merge it into the repo as well. Maybe you forgot to tell people to reload the daemon, which is handling udev and the permissions for usb. After installation you need to do systemctl --user daemon-reload After reboot it should also work.

jlaunay commented 9 months ago

@Captn138 The package was updated on AUR, you shouldn't have any more permission problems.


60-g910-gkeys.rules is not in the right place, in PKGBUILD you have install -Dm 644 -t "$pkgdir"/etc/udev/rules.d/60-g910-gkeys.rules etc/60-g910-gkeys.rules which result in /etc/udev/rules.d/60-g910-gkeys.rules/60-g910-gkeys.rules instead of /etc/udev/rules.d/60-g910-gkeys.rules

You must correct with install -Dm 644 -t $pkgdir/etc/udev/rules.d/ etc/60-g910-gkeys.rules

Same thing with uinput-g910-gkeys.conf

systemctl --user daemon-reload does not reload udev rules, it reload systemd manager configuration. This will rerun all generators, reload all unit files, and recreate the entire dependency tree. You need to run this command if your .service file changed on disk.

udev and the permissions for usb are handling by udev and to reload rules without reboot you can run as root

udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

Everything is on AUR.

suabo commented 9 months ago

Thx @jlaunay I fixed the PKGBUILD and .install file as you mentioned. Hope it works again for everybody now.