JSwingRipples2016 / jswingripples

Port of JRipples Eclipse Plugin to Swing
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RS029: GUI: add issues visualization #49

Closed constanzafierro closed 7 years ago

constanzafierro commented 7 years ago

Description: Add a GUI capable of showing Github issues.

An idea for opening this GUI could be to right click a project and select and option named "Show Github issues", this option should open a new tab in the main view area similar to the ones when doing an analysis.

Source: Teacher Priority: High Stability: Negotiable Last Update: 2016-11-15 State: Doesn't fullfill. Increment: 2 Type: Operational Associated user: End-User

User requirements associated:

Software Change Process:

MockUp: jswingripples-github-GUI.pdf

amorenocb commented 7 years ago

Teacher asked us to come up with a prototype of a GUI before implementing it.

javierobledo commented 7 years ago


Add a GUI capable of showing Github issues

javierobledo commented 7 years ago

Concept Location

Significant concepts: GUI Concept to be implemented: Github, Issue Communication: Add GUI concept located in JRipplesICModule, JSwingRipplesEIGNode

javierobledo commented 7 years ago

Impact Analysis

Impacted classes: JRipplesModule, JRipplesModuleICChangePropagation, JRipplesModuleICDefaultConceptLocation, JRipplesModuleICImpactAnalysis

javierobledo commented 7 years ago

Prefactoring, Actualization, Postfactoring

Nothing happend because the code isn't changed. Only a Mockup for the GUI was designed

javierobledo commented 7 years ago


A mockup with the visual representation fo the Github requirements was showed to the teacher and the classmates during the presentation of iteration 2. The mockup was approved. jswingripples-github-GUI.pdf