cal [calendar] factor 24 [factors...] > filename [empty file]
head [top of file] tail [last few lines] grep [superfind]
Basic Linux Commands
ls = listing of all files
ls -a = list all the files including the hidden ones
ls -l = long listing for all in terms of directory
ls -la = long listing for all files including hidden ones
cd [name of the directory] = change directory
cd .. = return back one directory
cd = return back to the home directory
uname -a = return what OS is running
pwd = present working directory
history = all command that was run in the history
File Linux Commands
mkdir [name] = create a directory with the [name], basically create a folder
rmdir [name] = remove a directory, basically delete a folder
echo hello > file.txt = create a .txt name file and write "hello" in the .txt
more file.txt = show the contents of the [file.txt], in this case, will only show "hello"
return: hello
cp file.txt myfile.txt = copy "file.txt" and create another .txt call "myfile". Will have both .txt afterward
mv myfile.txt textfile.txt = rename "myfile.txt" to "textfile.txt"
can also use this command to move a file into a folder; mv myfile.txt Folder1 = move myfile.txt to Folder1
rm file.txt = remove "file.txt"
nano textfile.txt = open up text editor
Ctrl + O to save, ctrl + X to exit
Helpful Linux Commands
sudo = super user do command that allows you to do only super can do
sudo apt-get install python3 = install python3, only superuser can install
sudo service network-manager restart = restart networking services
cd / = go to root directory
find -name [name] = find command, find all folders containing [name] in the current directory
find -name Desktop = find all the user's [Desktop] folders in your current directory
locate [name] = locate command, locate all folders containing [name] in your computer
locate command is an index search for files in the database.
locate Desktop = locate all folders that contain [Desktop]
If you create a new file, you have to use "updatedb" command to update the database before you can do the locate command in order for the new file to show up.
man [command] = manual of the command
man locate = show the manual of locate
[command] --help = the same; locate --help
env = command to list all your environment variables
can use echo $[variable from "env] to check stuff
echo $USER = check what user you log in to
echo $HOME = check what home directly is
Network Linux Commands
ping [website] = network command, see if you have connectivity to the internet for the website
ping = check if you can connect to
Ctrl + c to quit
ifconfig = interface config,
tells that the network is set up with the display internet address and always has a loopback address
eth0; inet = internet address, lo; inet = loopback address or localhost address
Intermediate Linux Commands
mount = command that tells you all the devices that are connected
mount | column -t = do tab space for our column to make the mount command more readable
| = pipe; will take the output of one command and send it to another
column -t = tab space for column
cat /etc/passwd = command that shows all of the users
cat /etc/passwd | column -t -s : = do tab space for our column more readable and separate each column when it have :
cd - = takes you back to one directory that you were at
alias [name="command"] = you can rename a command so it will be more convenient to type in the command
alias ll='ls -l' = When you type ll, it will automatically do the command: ls -l
alias will only be stored in each session, if you close kali linux then the alias will not work next time
can use the command "nano .bashrc" to save alias for future use
nano .bashrc then scroll down to the aliases section and customize it
; = separate multiple commands
"command 1" ; "command 2" = will execute command 1 first then do command 2
Kali Linux Commands
Beginner Linux Terminal Commands:
Intermediate Linux Terminal Commands:
Basic Linux Commands
File Linux Commands
Helpful Linux Commands
Network Linux Commands
Intermediate Linux Commands
Windows Commands
Beginner Windows Commands
Basic Windows Commands
File Window Commands
Helpful Windows Commands + Network Commands