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Part 4: Discover Threats with Honeypot in Real-Time #42

Open JTCyberTech opened 8 months ago

JTCyberTech commented 8 months ago

Discover Threats with HoneyPot in Real-Time

Now that you have acquired a foundational comprehension of each section in T-POT, let's proceed to delve deeper into "Attack Map", "Elasticvue", "Kibana", and "Spiderfoot" aspects.

Attack Map

- A new window will display real-time information regarding ongoing attacks.

- The first column shows the Services of the attack in color. - For example: we can see that Pakistan is using SSH attack.

- [Abuseipdb.com](Abuseipdb.com) is a good website to check if Pakistan is using SSH attack. - Navigate to Abuseipdb.com and paste Pakistan's IP into the search bar to check.

- Confirmed that Pakistan's IP address is using SSH attacks.

- The second column displays the IP address that made the highest number of attempts to breach the virtual machine, along with the corresponding count of attack attempts.

- The third column display the country that made the highest number of attempts to breach the virtual machine, along with the corresponding count of attack attempts.

- The fourth column display the most recent events of attack.


- Click on "Elasticvue" on T-POT web interface.

- Click on "Connect" at the bottom of the page. - Click on "NODES" at the top of the page. - The utilization of the server is shown here for us to manage.

- Click on "SEARCH" at the top of the page. - A search function can be use here to search for the attacks. - For example: put "Admin" in the search bar and press SEARCH. - It will return all the login attempts using "admin".


Comprising various elements, Logstash integrates seamlessly with Elasticsearch to provide a comprehensive solution. Essentially, it empowers users to efficiently gather, process, and present data, yielding valuable insights and outcomes. - Click on "Kibana" on T-POT web interface.

- Navigate to page 2 of Kibana.

- Click on the ">T-Pot" for view of T-POT dashboard.

- This dashboard will give all information from the honey pots that you have installed with T-POT.

- In the upper-right corner, there is an option to modify the date, allowing for the viewing of data points at different points in time.

- Within the "Attack Map - Dynamic" interface, it displays the region where the highest volume of attack attempts has been observed.

- Within the "Attacks by Country" interface, it displays each country by the percentage for the volume of attack attempts.

- Scrolling down within the "Username Tagcloud" and "Password Tagcloud" interface, it displays the usernames and passwords that has been used the most for the attack attempts. - The larger the word, the more frequently it is used.

- Within the "Suricate CVE - Top 10" interface, it displays the CVE-ID that are related to the most attempted attacks.

- Within the "Attacks by Country and Port" interface, it displays the ports that each country uses in a percentage format.


- Click on "Spiderfoot" on T-POT web interface.

- Click on "New Scan" at the upper right corner.

- Fill in the information. - Scan Name: scan . - Scan Target: [I will use the IP from Pakistan from before] . - Click on "Run Scan Now"

- After the scan completed, it displays the data type in the summary.

- Navigate to "Browse" section, which presents a comprehensive array of diverse data types obtainable on the internet associated with the specified IP Address.

# Concluding the Project To avoid any potential future charges, it will be necessary for me to remove the resource group where I have deployed the virtual machine and honeypot. - Navigate to the honeypot VM. - In Overview click on "Delete". - Check all the boxes and click on "Delete".

- Click on "Delete resource group". - Enter in the resource group name: "Honeypot". - Click on "Delete".

- Confirm the Delete by clicking on "Delete".