We implement a billing alarm system to exercise cost control within the AWS cloud environment. This ensures vigilant oversight of expenditures and timely alerts when thresholds are approached, a prudent measure for managing a home lab.
Navigate to CloudWatch in AWS by searching CloudWatch on the search bar.
CloudWatch Interface
2. Click on Alarms under dashboards and then Billing.
3. Click on Create Alarm
4. I will keep everything default for demostration purposes.
- Changed Whenever EstimatedCharges is Greater/Equal.
- Put in 10 USD because we are using free tier.
Step 1: Specify metric and conditions
5. Select create new topic
- name the new topic alarm.
- provide an email address that you wanted to be notified.
- Create topic
Step 2: Configure Actions
6. Name the Alarm add an optional description
Step 3: Add name and description
7. Review the information and click on create alarm.
# Create Non Root User to enhance the security
We establish a non-root user to adhere to the principle of least privilege, mitigating risk and ensuring resource isolation. This practice minimizes the use of the root account for routine activities.
1. Navigate to IAM in AWS by searching IAM on the search bar.
AWS IAM Interface
2. Click on Users under Dashboard
3. Click on create user
Create User
4. Create a user name and select provide use access to the AWS Management Console.
- Select: I want to create an IAM user
Step 1: Specify User Details
5. Click on Create group. For this demostration, I am going to give Administrator Access for this group.
- Name your group
- Select the box for AdministratorAccess
Creating a Group
6. Check the box on the group that had just been created.
Step 2: Set Permissions
7. Review the information and create the user.
Step 3: Review and Create
8. Can click on Email sign-in instructions and also download the .csv file for the password.
Configure a Billing Alarm system
We implement a billing alarm system to exercise cost control within the AWS cloud environment. This ensures vigilant oversight of expenditures and timely alerts when thresholds are approached, a prudent measure for managing a home lab.
CloudWatch Interface
2. Click on Alarms under dashboards and then Billing.
3. Click on Create Alarm
4. I will keep everything default for demostration purposes. - Changed Whenever EstimatedCharges is Greater/Equal. - Put in 10 USD because we are using free tier.
Step 1: Specify metric and conditions
5. Select create new topic - name the new topic alarm. - provide an email address that you wanted to be notified. - Create topic
Step 2: Configure Actions
6. Name the Alarm add an optional description
Step 3: Add name and description
# Create Non Root User to enhance the security We establish a non-root user to adhere to the principle of least privilege, mitigating risk and ensuring resource isolation. This practice minimizes the use of the root account for routine activities. 1. Navigate to IAM in AWS by searching IAM on the search bar.7. Review the information and click on create alarm.
AWS IAM Interface
2. Click on Users under Dashboard
3. Click on create user
Create User
4. Create a user name and select provide use access to the AWS Management Console. - Select: I want to create an IAM user
Step 1: Specify User Details
5. Click on Create group. For this demostration, I am going to give Administrator Access for this group. - Name your group - Select the box for AdministratorAccess
Creating a Group
6. Check the box on the group that had just been created.
Step 2: Set Permissions
7. Review the information and create the user.
Step 3: Review and Create
8. Can click on Email sign-in instructions and also download the .csv file for the password.
Step 4: Retrieve Password