JTK222 / Global-Packs

A small utility tool for Mod pack creators, to ship a global data pack together with their mod pack.
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Exception in server tick loop when loading into any world, or creating new world #49

Open sprocketaudio opened 7 months ago

sprocketaudio commented 7 months ago

V1.14.5, Forge 1.19.2

Just adding this mod and loading into an existing world, or trying to create a new world causes this crash to desktop. I have added nothing to global_packs yet and have nothing in resourcepacks except quark programmer and SE Vanilla Consistency which are generated on pack load.

I have tried removing /resourcepacks from config so nothing loads, and I still get the crash!

crash-2024-02-08_22.27.10-server.txt latest.log

sprocketaudio commented 7 months ago

Apologies this doesnt seem to have been caused by Global-Packs

sprocketaudio commented 6 months ago

reopening this - on further testing this is related to Global Packs but I am having a really hard time figuring out what other mods cause this. In my pack If I add this mod, I can not create a new world any more.

I can load into existing world so its generation related?

I have tried to isolate this to what other mod is conflicting but I have not found it, and think it might actually be more than 2!

Terrablender also could be related but Global Packs and Terrablender alone are fine.. I'm going round in circles but thought I'd report it anyway

JTK222 commented 6 months ago

According to the logs it's an endless loop during world gen. Global Packs does not add world gen on it's own, but it loads datapacks that can mess with world gen. Do you have any datapacks in your resourcepacks folder? Those will also be automatically enabled when installing global packs.

sprocketaudio commented 6 months ago

Thanks for getting back to me - I did consider this.

Currently there is only these 2 resource packs which I do not use, but reinstall themselves when I start the pack if I delete them!


I did wonder if these were the cause so I set the options to not look in resoucepacks


For testing I have nothing in any of the global_packs folders but I still get the issue.

If I disable the mod I can generate a world fine again.

I understand this might not be entirely this mods issue, and possibly multiple generation mods at play but I cant find it :/ I would think with these options and nothing to load, the mod would effectively not do anything but it still seems to somehow instant crash

2 new logs jsut in case where I only load game and try to make new world.

latest.log crash-2024-02-10_09.55.52-server.txt

EDIT, I am going to keep testing mods individually as I think this is a combo or 3+ mods..

JTK222 commented 6 months ago

Those logs provide the same info, infinite loop in world gen. I have asked a few other modders whether they might have an Idea what might cause this.

The one thing I could imagine is another mod trying to do something similar to Global Packs which causes an incompatability. But for that it surprises me that it doesn't crash before it tries to generate anything.

A quick way to test out what combination of mods might cause this, would be binary search. Split the mods in half, check which half still has the issue, rinse and repeat.

There are also no packs loaded by Global packs based on the log. However, here is a list of datapacks (all added by mods) that are not loaded the standard way, so those have a higher chance of causing issues with global packs: Supplementaries Generated Pack builtin/1_19_2_data builtin/aether_redux_compat builtin/data/deep_aether_data builtin/extinguishing_recipe_override create_central_kitchen:farmersdelight create_central_kitchen:farmersrespite tectonic/terratonic Suppsquared Generated Pack

I doubt it would be supplementaries as that's commonly used with the mod. I can't say that I know most other ones though.

sprocketaudio commented 6 months ago

Thanks! Yes I use the binary method, its just hard with so many dependencies haha..

So far I defo know Terrablender is part of this, but if I turn that off it turns off loads of other mods.. I tried a pack with Just those mods though, and it also worked fine! So yeah.. more searching needed

sprocketaudio commented 6 months ago

Disabling Tectonic v2.2 also allows the world to generate, however putting Global Packs and Tectonic in a pack alone DOES work..

sprocketaudio commented 6 months ago

I have narrowed this down somewhat and you can close it if you want as this is some weird deep interactions of many mods.

In case you want to know any one of the below will fix it in my pack:

  1. Deleting all KubeJS server scripts (having even a single remove recipe for example will cause the crash.
  2. Deleting Tectonic Mod
  3. Deleting Dramatic Doors mod (this mod interacts with tonnes of other mods)
  4. Deleting Global Packs

I tried to see if a new modpack with just KubeJS, a server script, Tectonic, Global Packs and Dramatic Doors would replicate the crash, however it doesnt, and at this point, ive spent 8 hours today and 4 hours yesterday and am fed up lol.. removing Dramatic Doors is not an issue for me, and now my new worlds create fine.

Let me know if you want me to export the current 'test' pack I have which I was going through mod by mod, until I found KubsJS and then Dramatic Doors.. its still got 159 mods in it I didnt check yet.. but yeah I am done with this haha