What I Meant Was: Users should be able to sign up using their email address and create a unique profile to save their movie preferences.
Testing Criteria: Verify that users can successfully sign up using their email, and their unique profile is created with the ability to save movie preferences.
Definition of Done: Sign-up process with email is functional, and user profiles are created and linked correctly.
Vertical Slice:
Create Logic for Sign-Up Form Component
Create Styling for Sign-Up Form
Create React Component - Sign-Up Page, Form to Sign-Up
Create Route to Path for Sign-Up Page
Test End Point with ThunderClient
Create REST End Point for Sign-Up
Update Views for Sign-Up
Update Serializers for Sign-Up
Update Migrations for Sign-Up
Update Models for Sign-Up
Points: 2
What I Meant Was: Users should be able to sign up using their email address and create a unique profile to save their movie preferences.
Testing Criteria: Verify that users can successfully sign up using their email, and their unique profile is created with the ability to save movie preferences.
Definition of Done: Sign-up process with email is functional, and user profiles are created and linked correctly.
Vertical Slice:
Create Logic for Sign-Up Form Component Create Styling for Sign-Up Form Create React Component - Sign-Up Page, Form to Sign-Up
Create Route to Path for Sign-Up Page Test End Point with ThunderClient Create REST End Point for Sign-Up Update Views for Sign-Up Update Serializers for Sign-Up Update Migrations for Sign-Up Update Models for Sign-Up