JTok / unraid.vmbackup

a plugin for backing up VMs in unRAID including vdisks and configuration files.
51 stars 4 forks source link

Backup fails due to ISO mount specifed in the VM settings, reporting ["$vdisk_path"]: bad array subscript` #26

Open burntoc opened 3 years ago

burntoc commented 3 years ago

My backup attempts with the latest versions fails, as this single error seems to be bypassing the actual backup:

2021-03-10 10:12:49 information: /mnt/user/_backups_unraid1/VMs/GamingPC exists. continuing. /tmp/vmbackup/scripts/default/user-script.sh: line 424: vdisk_types["$vdisk_path"]: bad array subscript

I found others with this issue, and it lead me to believe it was failing on an ISO I still had mounted and/or the SSD I pass through directly by-id. I wanted to keep the latter if possible, so I removed the VirtIO Drivers ISO and ran it again and the backup appears to have completed just fine. Haven't tried a restore, but it looks really promising.

If I remove VirtIO Drivers ISO from my VM then it starts crashing within a minute - two at the most. Over and over. If I put that back, it works fine. I know it shouldn't do that, but it does, and it doesn't matter whether I store the ISO on the array or on a UA drive, the VM Backup script gives this error and fails if that ISO is in the settings:

/tmp/vmbackup/scripts/default/user-script.sh: line 424: vdisk_types["$vdisk_path"]: bad array subscript

Any way we fix this issue, for this very common situation?

BoKKeR commented 2 years ago

I am facing the same problem. removing the iso helped, but my use case dont require it mounted

realizelol commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

this should be a temporary fix:

curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/realizelol/unraid.vmbackup/master/source/scripts/default-script.sh \
  > /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/vmbackup/scripts/default-script.sh

after this you can change a value in Settings -> VM Backup -> Settings and change it back to the wanted value and click "apply" then the user-script.sh will be generated with the new pre-script.sh. Or just do it by command line: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/vmbackup/scripts/commands.sh update_user_script default rebuild_text_files

or just add this to your Pre-Script in Settings -> VM Backup -> Upload Scripts so it will be overridden before every backup (haven't tested this):

export PATH=${PATH}

# download the fixed version by realizelol
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/realizelol/unraid.vmbackup/master/source/scripts/default-script.sh \
  > /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/vmbackup/scripts/default-script.sh

# update config "default" so user-script will be updated by new values of downloaded "default-script.sh"
/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/vmbackup/scripts/commands.sh update_user_script default rebuild_text_files

# or if you use other config files rename "someotherconfigname" by your config name and remove "#"
# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/vmbackup/scripts/commands.sh update_user_script someotherconfigname rebuild_text_files 

If the disk has no source it will be faked to /tmp/dummy.nobkdummy, the extension nobkdummy is already excluded in code. As an example:

2022-01-23 17:43:05 information: backup of /mnt/user/domains/elementaryOS/vdisk1.img vdisk to /mnt/user/ur-backup/vms/domains/elementaryOS/20220123_1738_vdisk1.img complete.
2022-01-23 17:43:05 information: extension for /tmp/dummy.nobkdummy on elementaryOS was found in vdisks_extensions_to_skip. skipping disk.
2022-01-23 17:43:05 information: extension for /mnt/disk2/iso/elementaryos-6.1-stable.20211218-rc.iso on elementaryOS was found in vdisks_extensions_to_skip. skipping disk.
2022-01-23 17:43:05 information: the extensions of the vdisks that were backed up are img.


This will maybe only fix the default backup method not the snapshot method! Let me know someone need that too.

@JTok feel free to update your script or let me know if you want a PR. Hope you're doing fine.. haven't heard anything from you for a while...

Best regards realizelol

realizelol commented 2 years ago

Pre-Script has been tested. As after a reboot the script is overridden. Here's the correct pre-script:

export PATH=${PATH}
#### --- END OF SCRIPT DEFAULT --- ####

#### ---   Fix by realizelol START   --- ####

# get script config name
SCRIPTPATH="$(realpath ${0} | sed 's/\/'$(basename ${0})'//g')"
# or set it manually:

# reset UPDATED to 0
# download the fixed version by realizelol into /tmp folder
# 5 seconds connect timeout, maximum download time 10 seconds, maxmimum 5 retries
# 0 delay between retries, maximum of 60 seconds until script is downloaded
curl --connect-timeout 5 \
  --max-time 10 \
  --retry 5 \
  --retry-delay 0 \
  --retry-max-time 60 \
  "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/realizelol/unraid.vmbackup/master/source/scripts/default-script.sh" \
  > /tmp/default-script.sh

# check if local and downloaded version has been changed
if ! cmp /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/vmbackup/scripts/default-script.sh /tmp/default-script.sh >/dev/null; then
  # move script into place
  cp -f /tmp/default-script.sh /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/vmbackup/scripts/default-script.sh
  # set variable UPDATED to 1 (script has been updated)

# if UPDATED=1 restart script with updated user script files
if [[ ${UPDATED} -eq 1 ]]; then
  # update config "default" so user-script will be updated by new values of downloaded "default-script.sh"
  /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/vmbackup/scripts/commands.sh update_user_script ${SCRIPT_CONFIG_NAME} rebuild_text_files
  # move the updated user-script to temporary folder where it will be executed from
  cp /boot/config/plugins/vmbackup/user-script.sh /tmp/vmbackup/scripts/${SCRIPT_CONFIG_NAME}/user-script.sh
  # make temporary user-script.sh executable.
  chmod +x /tmp/vmbackup/scripts/${SCRIPT_CONFIG_NAME}/user-script.sh
  # sleep 2 seconds before execution
  sleep 2

#### ---    Fix by realizelol END    --- ####

Edit: Add line chmod +x /tmp/vmbackup/scripts/${SCRIPT_CONFIG_NAME}/user-script.sh to fix first execution: FROM:

  cp /boot/config/plugins/vmbackup/user-script.sh /tmp/vmbackup/scripts/${SCRIPT_CONFIG_NAME}/user-script.sh
  # sleep 2 seconds before execution


  cp /boot/config/plugins/vmbackup/user-script.sh /tmp/vmbackup/scripts/${SCRIPT_CONFIG_NAME}/user-script.sh
  # make temporary user-script.sh executable.
  chmod +x /tmp/vmbackup/scripts/${SCRIPT_CONFIG_NAME}/user-script.sh
  # sleep 2 seconds before execution
realizelol commented 5 months ago

This should be fixed by PR https://github.com/JTok/unraid.vmbackup/pull/39

So please remove/revert my previously mentioned pre-script/changes.

# set your config name if it differs 'default'

# restore default pre-script:
cp /boot/config/plugins/vmbackup/pre-script.sh /boot/config/plugins/vmbackup/pre-script.sh.bk
sed -i '/#### ---   Fix by realizelol START   --- ####/,/#### ---    Fix by realizelol END    --- ####/d' /boot/config/plugins/vmbackup/pre-script.sh
sed -i '/#### --- END OF SCRIPT DEFAULT --- ####/d' /boot/config/plugins/vmbackup/pre-script.sh

# if my modified version is found restore the new version of JTok
if grep -q "^#version=v0.2.5.1" /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/vmbackup/scripts/default-script.sh; then
  curl --connect-timeout 5 \
    --max-time 10 \
    --retry 5 \
    --retry-delay 0 \
    --retry-max-time 60 \
    "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JTok/unraid.vmbackup/master/source/scripts/default-script.sh" \
    > /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/vmbackup/scripts/default-script.sh

  # use the updated version by JTok
  /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/vmbackup/scripts/commands.sh update_user_script ${SCRIPT_CONFIG_NAME} rebuild_text_files
  cp /boot/config/plugins/vmbackup/user-script.sh /tmp/vmbackup/scripts/${SCRIPT_CONFIG_NAME}/user-script.sh
  chmod +x /tmp/vmbackup/scripts/${SCRIPT_CONFIG_NAME}/user-script.sh