JULIELab / gepi

GePI (GEne - Protein Interactions) is a web portal for quick and convenient access to gene - protein interaction mentions automatically extracted from the biomedical literature, i.e. PubMed and PubMed Central (Open Access Subset).
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Replace retrieval of all event documents with aggregations #226

Closed khituras closed 1 year ago

khituras commented 1 year ago

We need aggregated event information for the following dashboard elements: Statistics panel 1 num all event hits 2 num unique A terms 3 num unique B terms 4 Top N events Charts 5 frequency of all unique A and B terms for pie and bar charts 6 frequency of each event for Sankey charts

These displays base on the gene symbols which are part of the aggregationvalue field values. Those have the form symbol1---symbol2 where the symbols are ordered alphabetically to reduce the number of unique values. Thus, we should be fine by just retrieving the terms aggregation values of that field. This should be quicker than retrieving all the event pages as we do right now.

This approach won't work for the complete data download, obviously, but for a quicker display of a search result.