Currently, submitted ("production-ready") experiments are described only in a main method on either PubmedExperimenter or ClinicalTrialsExperiments. However, there's a need to reuse them in other places, e.g. KeywordExperimenter, BoostExperimenter, GoogleSheetsSyncer, and even TrecPM1718Lit*Crossval.
tl;dr: Experiments should be reusable.
Currently, submitted ("production-ready") experiments are described only in a main method on either
. However, there's a need to reuse them in other places, e.g.KeywordExperimenter
, and evenTrecPM1718Lit*Crossval
.We could at least move the experiment builder calls to a static class and reuse them. In the future, we could move this description to a JSON file (see also