Set up multer and cloudinary in backend to handle uploading images and pdf files shared through messaging app to album service.
Messaging app and album service has not been built so integration is out of scope. PR is only to setup multer and cloudinary services. Integration will be done separately once requirements for messaging service and album service is provided.
One Line Description
Set up multer and cloudinary in backend
Set up multer and cloudinary in backend to handle uploading images and pdf files shared through messaging app to album service.
Messaging app and album service has not been built so integration is out of scope. PR is only to setup multer and cloudinary services. Integration will be done separately once requirements for messaging service and album service is provided.
Test Steps
Can only be tested with postman.
Testing Instructions for Postman
Setup request as follows. Endpoint should be in the following format: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/uploadFiles/