JWAutumn / ACarousel

A carousel view for SwiftUI | SwiftUI 旋转木马效果
MIT License
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some warming #14

Open Tonyhe666 opened 2 years ago

Tonyhe666 commented 2 years ago

import SwiftUI import ACarousel

struct testModel: Identifiable { let id: UUID = UUID() let title: String


struct PlanListBannerView: View { let items: [testModel] = [testModel(title: "123"), testModel(title: "234"), testModel(title: "345")] @State var index: Int = 0 var body: some View { ACarousel(items, index: $index, spacing: 16, headspace: 10, sidesScaling: 0.8, isWrap: true, autoScroll: .active(5)) { item in Text(item.title) }.frame(height: 160) .border(.black, width: 1)



struct PlanListBannerView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { PlanListBannerView()



run this code on iPhone 11, Xcode 13.2.1 it will appear something like this, how fix it?

ForEach<Array, UUID, ModifiedContent<ModifiedContent<Text, _FrameLayout>, _ScaleEffect>>: the ID 39C04D53-1D36-4AA6-B765-2A34FFB78DE7 occurs multiple times within the collection, this will give undefined results! ForEach<Array, UUID, ModifiedContent<ModifiedContent<Text, _FrameLayout>, _ScaleEffect>>: the ID E36F64ED-93BF-46B5-ADAB-9B087D8F7CC3 occurs multiple times within the collection, this will give undefined results! 0.0 ForEach<Array, UUID, ModifiedContent<ModifiedContent<Text, _FrameLayout>, _ScaleEffect>>: the ID C6E86B38-1956-473C-AF9F-96A81F878561 occurs multiple times within the collection, this will give undefined results! ForEach<Array, UUID, ModifiedContent<ModifiedContent<Text, _FrameLayout>, _ScaleEffect>>: the ID E2817A77-5311-4F80-8AEF-5816AB86C0EC occurs multiple times within the collection, this will give undefined results!

LukeDurrant commented 1 year ago

disable isWrap