JWock82 / PyNite

A 3D structural engineering finite element library for Python.
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Define hinge at a member #158

Closed Zardasht84 closed 1 year ago

Zardasht84 commented 1 year ago

You have given an example according to the dokumentation when a hinge adds to a start of member 'M1' but when you defining script write 'M2'. is it a mistake, it should be M1 instead?

So if a hinge adds to start of M2, thinking releases would be like below. sketch 1

start nodes of member i --------------------------------------- end nodes of member j

Dxi : bool = True Dyi : bool = True Dzi : bool = False Rxi : bool = False Ryi : bool = False Rzi : bool = False Dxj : bool = True Dyj : bool = True Dzj : bool = True Rxj : bool = True Ryj : bool = False Rzj : bool = True

Or the idea is not like that

Definereleases is difficult to understand, en extra examples with adding hinges are appreciated.

How would you add a hinge to the end of member M2 accord. Sketch 2.


JWock82 commented 1 year ago

You are right - the example in the wiki had an error. To define a hinge, you should only set the hinge releases to True for the degrees of freedom you want to release. Releasing axial degrees of freedom and shears can lead to instabilities if you're not careful. For Sketch 2, you would need to release Rzj on member M2 for a hinge at the end of M2. You don't need to release anything else.

For more examples, have a look at the new documentation located here: https://pynite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/member.html

Zardasht84 commented 1 year ago

The new documentation is clearer and now releases makes sense.