Implment an algorithm for generation inconsistency decision table from consistency data.
Using strategy - algorithm - of removing conditional attribute.
For each attribute the number of its occurrences is counted, then the attribute (or several) for which the value is the most common is removed. Example:
For attribute f_0 - name:
Alice - 5 occurrences
Kathrine - 2 occurrences
For attribute f_1 - eye colour:
blue - 3 occurrences
brown - 4 occurrences
Removed attribute - name - because its value - Alice - is the most common (5 occurrences) for decision table.
UI changes:
[ ] Parametrisation form: component presenting information about declared data type - /not checked/consistent/inconsistent;
[ ] [1] Parametrisation form: check box - generate inconsistency during data loading;
[ ] [2] Parametrisation form: check box - show data type in data parameters panel (on main form);
[x] Parametrisation form - inconsistency generation strategy: radio button - remove first minimal index attribute or all attributes;
Implment an algorithm for generation inconsistency decision table from consistency data.
Using strategy - algorithm - of removing conditional attribute.
Algorithm: For each attribute the number of its occurrences is counted, then the attribute (or several) for which the value is the most common is removed. Example:
Removed attribute - name - because its value - Alice - is the most common (5 occurrences) for decision table.
UI changes:
[ ] Parametrisation form: component presenting information about declared data type - /not checked/consistent/inconsistent;
[ ] [1] Parametrisation form: check box - generate inconsistency during data loading;
[ ] [2] Parametrisation form: check box - show data type in data parameters panel (on main form);
[x] Parametrisation form - inconsistency generation strategy: radio button - remove first minimal index attribute or all attributes;
[x] Parametrisation form - inconsistency generation strategy: check box - recursive removal;
[ ] Parametrisation form: check box - generate inconsistency generation report;
[ ] Main form: component presenting information about data type - inconsistent/consistent; related to [2]
[x] Main form: button - change 'Check data' button to 'Check for inconsistencies';
[x] Main form: button - generate inconsistencies; related to [1]
[ ] Main form: button - retrieve consistent data;
[ ] Main form: button - generate report;