Jaaap / SQRL

Secure Quick Reliable Login WebExtension for Firefox and Chrome
MIT License
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Is it possible to integrate SQRL with FIDO protocol and hardware keys? #20

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi all!

1. feature-name

Is it possible to integrate SQRL with FIDO protocol and hardware keys?

2. feature-description

2.1 context

  1. One of the things I miss is the integration with hardware keys and the FIDO protocol within SQRL
  2. There was a technical discussion on Bitwarden about integrating SQRL - however this was not implemented for practical security/user privacy reasons
  3. One of the problems presented was the one I mentioned above: 'I miss is the integration with hardware keys and the FIDO protocol within SQRL' - How can we check if a device is correctly assessing a qrcode? what if that qrcode is not a phishing?
  4. From what I researched, this library is the most complete and implements SQRL - I don't work in any software development/company in terms of backend/devops etc - I only work as a freelance frontend developer - Although I read a lot about cybersecurity in web applications. Is it possible to integrate SQRL with FIDO protocol and hardware keys?

2.2 why

Further enhances the security of the SQRL protocol

3. references

Jaaap commented 2 years ago

This is a complex topic. The first thing we have to make clear is: what exactly are you asking?

  1. To store the SQRL secret on a hardware device (for use on websites that support SQRL)
  2. To use a hardware device + FIDO as a second factor (for use on websites that support SQRL)
  3. To use SQRL's identity for synthesizing FIDO2 identities (for use on websites that support FIDO2)
ghost commented 2 years ago

@Jaaap Hi! How are you?

1. analysis/observation

So... In the technical discussions about sqrl integration in Bitwarden, the central technical discussion was this: '2. To use a hardware device + FIDO as a second factor (for use on websites that support SQRL)'.

2. notes

  1. About this issue I open here I'm arguing about: '2. To use a hardware device + FIDO as a second factor (for use on websites that support SQRL)' too.
  2. But... So... I didn't think about it: '3. To use SQRL's identity for synthesizing FIDO2 identities (for use on websites that support FIDO2)' or '1. To store the SQRL secret on a hardware device (for use on websites that support SQRL)'.
ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi all!