Jabbah / OpenXR-Layer-OBSMirror

OpenXR OBS Mirror
MIT License
63 stars 1 forks source link

How to confirm it's succesfully installed? #6

Closed andybak closed 1 year ago

andybak commented 1 year ago

Does it appear as a new source in OBS? What's it named?

I currently suspect it's not working as I can't see any obvious signs of it in OBS - but then I might be looking in the wrong places.

Jabbah commented 1 year ago

It will appear as OpenXR Mirror Capture


You might need to right click on the files you downloaded and unblock them before running the powershell script.

andybak commented 1 year ago

Brilliant. It's working now. I'd also misread part of the install instructions so I'm not sure if it was the unblocking that did the trick but it's working.

Maybe mention where to look in the OBS UI to the docs? Might be helpful to others as a sanity check.