Jabolol / raven

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Loading forever #10

Closed Maximapple closed 6 months ago

Maximapple commented 6 months ago

Hey! Since you've mentioned in issue #9 that it should work now, I was really excited to use your site raven again.

Unfortunately, it's loading forever... At first I thought it might be because of lots of posts but then I've also tried accessing /me so that it only displays my profile and friends... but it also only shows the loading animation.

The Google Chrome Console says: Unchecked runtime.lastError: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received me:1

Jabolol commented 6 months ago

Could you please share a screenshot of the network tab, preferably with the /api/execute network request open? I cannot reproduce on my end (Safari Technology Preview, Chrome Canary)

Maximapple commented 6 months ago

Not seeing /api/execute anywhere, but here's a screenshot of the network tab: image

Jabolol commented 6 months ago

Sadly I cannot tell what's going wrong from that image. Which chrome version are you using? I'll try to reproduce on my end and come back to you.

Maximapple commented 6 months ago

I was using 121.0.6167.189 64 bit and have now updated to 122.0.6261.70. It's still the same error and /api/execute still doesn't appear in the list in the network tab :/

CrazyTim71 commented 6 months ago

Can you show the console output? I'm sure that will help. I think this could be an issue with the refresh_token not working:


Maximapple commented 6 months ago


Maximapple commented 6 months ago

Just downloaded Firefox just to try it in another browser and it seems to work now. I've tried it in Safari on iOS before and that also didn't work.

Very odd.

Jabolol commented 6 months ago

I haven't tested the refresh token endpoint after the migration, since I didn't have an hour to wait for it to expire. I'll provide a hot fix as soon as possible. Thanks both for letting me know!