JacSchn / 5G-Beamforming-from-Visual-and-Lidar-Rendering

Regent Scholarship Research with UWW where we are using machine learning in an autonomous driving lab to collect visual and lidar-based models to have optimal guidance of 60GHz Wireless Network.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
2 stars 1 forks source link

Increase USB Camera Capture Rate #21

Open flynn248 opened 2 years ago

flynn248 commented 2 years ago

The USB cameras are currently capturing at around 17 fps. This too slow and a more ideal speed would be 25 - 30 fps. Capturing a compressed image may help with this issue. Another method is to find a C++ ROS package that uses the USB camera. A potential on is listed here http://wiki.ros.org/usb_cam. A potential issue of the above package is trying to use multiple USB cameras with the same package. It would need to be able to launch with different topic names else they will overlap and cause the previous one to shut down.