JaccoR / hass-entso-e

Integration for Home Assistant to fetch day ahead energy prices from European countries via ENTSO-e Transparency Platform
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Added attributes for selecting best prices for continuous electricity… #52

Closed fursov closed 1 year ago

fursov commented 1 year ago

… usage

If electricity usage assumes that some device should be fed with electricity for a certain time, then it makes sense to find best possible time window where prices sum would be optimal. For example this can be applicable to dishwashers, water heaters, car charging stations.

fursov commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible for someone to test this change locally? Also wonder how useful this seems?

fursov commented 1 year ago

The automation in the examples folder requires some testing. I'll keep pull request in draft state because of that.

mmoerdijk commented 1 year ago

I have an alternative approach using pyscript, i have a service defined like this:

from dateutil.parser import parse
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import datetime, timezone

def calculate_required_state(number_of_hours=None, on=None, off=None):
    """Calculate required state state based on time"""
    log.info(f"Calculating state for {number_of_hours} setting to {on} or {off}")

    hours = sensor.average_electricity_price_today.prices_today
    hours.sort(key=lambda item: item.get("price"))
    on_hours = [parse(h.get("time")) for h in hours[:int(number_of_hours)] ]
    # Check if current time is in that time
    now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
    time_delta = timedelta(hours=1)

    for hour in on_hours:
        next_hour = hour + time_delta
        if hour <= now <= next_hour:
            print(f"{now} is between {hour} and {next_hour}")
            domain, name = on["service_name"].split(".")
            service.call(domain, name, **on["service_data"])

    # else turn off
    domain, name = off["service_name"].split(".")
    service.call(domain, name, **off["service_data"])

With and automation that has this as an action:

service: pyscript.calculate_required_state
  number_of_hours: "{{ states.input_number.warmtepomp_minimaal_uuren.state }}"
    service_name: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: 20.5
      entity_id: climate.bdr_thermostat
    service_name: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: 18
      entity_id: climate.bdr_thermostat

That makes it possible to easily set the thermostat to high based on the number of hours it should be on on a day.

the only disadvantage is that you need the pyscript plugin for this.

fursov commented 1 year ago

This makes sense. I did not hear about pyscript for HA before :) I will investigate this option and may be revoke my PR later as not needed.

jyrkih commented 1 year ago

There's also integration nordpool_diff which can be used to create a custom filter for your specific use case. It supports this integration as a source price sensor.