JaccoR / hass-entso-e

Integration for Home Assistant to fetch day ahead energy prices from European countries via ENTSO-e Transparency Platform
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Feature request: Multiple currency support #9

Closed overas closed 1 year ago

overas commented 1 year ago

I only get "Current Day-Ahead Electricity Price" and "Next Hour Day-Ahead Electricity Price" in Euro. Is this correct? I use Norway Kr. Sand (NO2) in Area. I want to have the prices in NOK.


Home Assistant 2022.9.7

JaccoR commented 1 year ago

Yes it's only in euro for now. Unfortunately the python library of ENTSO-e only gives prices in euro. I am not sure if the API of ENTSO-e can give prices in more currencies, otherwise we have to fetch exchange rates from another API (like OpenExchange) i think.

Before a solution in this integration is fixed, you can use the open exchange rates integration to convert euros to NOK.

krsandvik commented 1 year ago

I think this API supports NOK https://www.nordpoolgroup.com/en/trading/api/

JaccoR commented 1 year ago

The template can be used to convert euros: Here is an example provided by @SVH-Powel.

{% set s = {
"day": 0.6676,
"night": 0.5426,
"cert": 0.01,
"vat": 1.25,
"eur": float(states('sensor.kurs_eur'), 10)
{% if now().isoweekday() >= 1 and now().isoweekday() <= 5 %}
{% if now().hour >= 6 and now().hour < 22 %}
{{(current_price * s.eur * s.vat + s.day + s.cert) | float}}
{% else %}
{{(current_price * s.eur * s.vat + s.night + s.cert) | float}}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{(current_price * s.eur * s.vat + s.night + s.cert) | float}}
{% endif %}

Here sensor.kurs_eur can be changed to the sensor that gives you the exchange the rate for the currency you want.

overas commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the example. You can also make the sensor with the currect Euro to NOK: sensor.kurs_eur I have taken the example from this norwegian forum: https://www.hjemmeautomasjon.no/forums/topic/11102-str%C3%B8mpriser/?do=findComment&comment=105596

  - platform: rest
    resource: https://data.norges-bank.no/api/data/EXR/B.EUR.NOK.SP?lastNObservations=1&format=sdmx-json
    name: kurs_eur
    scan_interval: 43200
    unit_of_measurement: NOK
    value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['dataSets'][0]['series']['0:0:0:0']['observations']['0'][0] }}"

Thank you for the help. I am closing the case.

JaccoR commented 1 year ago

I am currently working on a config flow where you could select a entity with a conversion rate and use that to convert to the currency you want. This field also needs to accept a float if people don't want to use a entity for it.

If you want to help: see #38!