JacekBialek / PriceIndices

A package for Bilateral and Multilateral Price Index Calculations
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A data frame is empty from final_index function #4

Open genghiskhanofnz opened 1 year ago

genghiskhanofnz commented 1 year ago

I am facing this error from the above function on df.final dataframe object. I hope you will help. Thank you very much. G

Sample data repex.

df.final <- tibble::tribble( ~time, ~prices, ~quantities, ~prodID, ~retID, ~group, "2022-01-01", 5.71420076094582, 0.537123656386962, 84L, 2L, "colorectal", "2022-02-01", 6.1670657020864, 0.579692072025658, 66L, 2L, "colorectal", "2022-03-01", 6.61993064322699, 0.622260487664354, 79L, 1L, "colorectal", "2022-04-01", 6.79763468634815, 0.638964318941747, 10L, 1L, "colorectal", "2022-05-01", 6.13458008378699, 0.576638487664354, 72L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-06-01", 6.07391126385699, 0.570935737664354, 12L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-07-01", 5.6817151426464, 0.534070072025658, 82L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-08-01", 6.07391126385699, 0.570935737664354, 53L, 2L, "colorectal", "2022-09-01", 5.6210463227164, 0.528367322025658, 80L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-10-01", 5.22885020150582, 0.491501656386962, 23L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-11-01", 5.83123598413699, 0.548124737664354, 24L, 2L, "colorectal", "2022-12-01", 6.88648670790873, 0.647316234580443, 61L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-01-01", 7.97852546664873, 0.749965734580443, 49L, 1L, "ortho", "2022-02-01", 7.70766698529815, 0.724505568941747, 51L, 3L, "ortho", "2022-03-01", 7.97852546664873, 0.749965734580443, 34L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-04-01", 8.31005276792931, 0.781128650219139, 30L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-05-01", 7.52566052550815, 0.707397318941747, 64L, 1L, "ortho", "2022-06-01", 7.91785664671873, 0.744262984580443, 98L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-07-01", 8.12804630813931, 0.764020400219139, 22L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-08-01", 8.3989047894899, 0.789480565857835, 52L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-09-01", 7.79651900685873, 0.732857484580443, 74L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-10-01", 7.90161383756902, 0.742736192399791, 35L, 1L, "ortho", "2022-11-01", 7.67518136699873, 0.721451984580443, 74L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-12-01", 6.0457280622264, 0.568286572025658, 33L, 1L, "ortho" )

final_index(df.final, start = '2022-01', end = '2022-12', formula = 'fisher', groups = TRUE, outlets = TRUE, aggr = 'laspeyres', by = 'group', interval = TRUE)

Error in prices(data2, period = end, set = id) : A data frame is empty

JacekBialek commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you for your interest of the package. Here is my response:

library("PriceIndices") df.final <- tibble::tribble( ~time, ~prices, ~quantities, ~prodID, ~retID, ~group, "2022-01-01", 5.71420076094582, 0.537123656386962, 84L, 2L, "colorectal", "2022-02-01", 6.1670657020864, 0.579692072025658, 66L, 2L, "colorectal", "2022-03-01", 6.61993064322699, 0.622260487664354, 79L, 1L, "colorectal", "2022-04-01", 6.79763468634815, 0.638964318941747, 10L, 1L, "colorectal", "2022-05-01", 6.13458008378699, 0.576638487664354, 72L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-06-01", 6.07391126385699, 0.570935737664354, 12L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-07-01", 5.6817151426464, 0.534070072025658, 82L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-08-01", 6.07391126385699, 0.570935737664354, 53L, 2L, "colorectal", "2022-09-01", 5.6210463227164, 0.528367322025658, 80L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-10-01", 5.22885020150582, 0.491501656386962, 23L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-11-01", 5.83123598413699, 0.548124737664354, 24L, 2L, "colorectal", "2022-12-01", 6.88648670790873, 0.647316234580443, 61L, 3L, "colorectal", "2022-01-01", 7.97852546664873, 0.749965734580443, 49L, 1L, "ortho", "2022-02-01", 7.70766698529815, 0.724505568941747, 51L, 3L, "ortho", "2022-03-01", 7.97852546664873, 0.749965734580443, 34L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-04-01", 8.31005276792931, 0.781128650219139, 30L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-05-01", 7.52566052550815, 0.707397318941747, 64L, 1L, "ortho", "2022-06-01", 7.91785664671873, 0.744262984580443, 98L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-07-01", 8.12804630813931, 0.764020400219139, 22L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-08-01", 8.3989047894899, 0.789480565857835, 52L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-09-01", 7.79651900685873, 0.732857484580443, 74L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-10-01", 7.90161383756902, 0.742736192399791, 35L, 1L, "ortho", "2022-11-01", 7.67518136699873, 0.721451984580443, 74L, 2L, "ortho", "2022-12-01", 6.0457280622264, 0.568286572025658, 33L, 1L, "ortho" )

it works:

df.final$time<-as.Date(df.final$time) price_indices(data=df.final, start="2022-01", end="2022-12", formula="fisher", interval=TRUE)

it works:

final_index(data=df.final, start = '2022-01', end = '2022-12', formula = 'fisher', groups = TRUE, outlets = FALSE, aggr = 'laspeyres', by = 'group', interval = TRUE)

grouping over outlets does not work because there are outlets with no sale of given products

df_matched<-matched(df.final, period1="2022-01", period2="2022-12", interval=TRUE, type="retID") nrow(df_matched) #you have no matched retIDs - that is the problem on the side of the data set

genghiskhanofnz commented 1 year ago

@JacekBialek Thank you so much for your very quick response. Sorted and thanks. G

genghiskhanofnz commented 1 year ago


@JacekBialek I have been carefully building this dataset learnt from your comment yesterday about each prodID must have outlets.

Even though it complies with your specs, I am facing 'empty data frame' and 'matched' function returns NULL.

Please explain and advise how to solve. Thank you very much. I need this dataset for my paper for submission.

My repex here.

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     date, intersect, setdiff, union
#> Attaching package: 'data.table'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:lubridate':
#>     hour, isoweek, mday, minute, month, quarter, second, wday, week,
#>     yday, year
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     between, first, last

th.sun.txt <- fread('D:\\GTI\\theatre_sunday.txt')

th.sun.txt %>% 
#> # A tibble: 360 × 4
#>    time      prodID retID description
#>    <chr>      <int> <int> <chr>      
#>  1 1/01/2022      1     1 gensurg    
#>  2 1/01/2022      1     1 gensurg    
#>  3 1/01/2022      1     1 gensurg    
#>  4 1/01/2022      1     2 ortho      
#>  5 1/01/2022      1     2 ortho      
#>  6 1/01/2022      2     1 gensurg    
#>  7 1/01/2022      2     1 gensurg    
#>  8 1/01/2022      2     1 gensurg    
#>  9 1/01/2022      2     2 ortho      
#> 10 1/01/2022      2     2 ortho      
#> # ℹ 350 more rows


# add p and q
th.sun.txt$time <- dmy(th.sun.txt$time)
th.sun.txt$prices <- rnorm(n = 360, mean = 38, sd = 1.8)
th.sun.txt$quantities <- rnorm(n = 360, mean = 370, sd = 30)
th.sun.txt$retID <- factor(th.sun.txt$retID, levels = c('1', '2'))
th.sun.txt$prodID <- factor(th.sun.txt$prodID, levels = c('1', '2', '3'))

th.sun.txt %>% 
#> # A tibble: 360 × 6
#>    time       prodID retID description prices quantities
#>    <date>     <fct>  <fct> <chr>        <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1 2022-01-01 1      1     gensurg       40.1       305.
#>  2 2022-01-01 1      1     gensurg       36.9       384.
#>  3 2022-01-01 1      1     gensurg       41.2       374.
#>  4 2022-01-01 1      2     ortho         35.6       371.
#>  5 2022-01-01 1      2     ortho         37.2       371.
#>  6 2022-01-01 2      1     gensurg       39.0       353.
#>  7 2022-01-01 2      1     gensurg       32.8       423.
#>  8 2022-01-01 2      1     gensurg       36.4       418.
#>  9 2022-01-01 2      2     ortho         37.2       338.
#> 10 2022-01-01 2      2     ortho         37.0       352.
#> # ℹ 350 more rows

price_indices(data = th.sun.txt,
              start = '2022-01',
              end = '2023-12',
              formula = 'fisher',
              interval = T)
#>       time   fisher
#> 1  2022-01 1.000000
#> 2  2022-02 1.002509
#> 3  2022-03 1.012294
#> 4  2022-04 1.037292
#> 5  2022-05 1.013678
#> 6  2022-06 1.024017
#> 7  2022-07 1.035660
#> 8  2022-08 1.007630
#> 9  2022-09 1.020173
#> 10 2022-10 1.019776
#> 11 2022-11 1.035899
#> 12 2022-12 1.012325
#> 13 2023-01 1.024042
#> 14 2023-02 1.012208
#> 15 2023-03 1.017154
#> 16 2023-04 1.017222
#> 17 2023-05 1.011207
#> 18 2023-06 1.021264
#> 19 2023-07 1.012819
#> 20 2023-08 1.034836
#> 21 2023-09 1.014474
#> 22 2023-10 1.009947
#> 23 2023-11 1.028053
#> 24 2023-12 1.002978

final_index(data = th.sun.txt,
            start = '2022-01',
            end = '2023-12',
            formula = 'fisher',
            outlets = T,
            by = 'description',
            aggr = 'laspeyres',
            groups = T,
            interval = T)
#> Error in price_index(data, start, end, formula[form], window = p_window[form], : A data frame is empty

Created on 2023-06-25 with reprex v2.0.2

JacekBialek commented 1 year ago

Hi again. I will check your data set but I need the file theatre_sunday.txt. I am sure that something (still) must be wrong with this data set.... Please not that if you want to aggregate results over outlets you must make sure that each outlet must available in each period. Regards, Jacek.

genghiskhanofnz commented 1 year ago

@JacekBialek theatre_sunday.txt is attached in my post. All outlets available in each period. Thanks. G

JacekBialek commented 1 year ago

Hi, as I suspected, the problem is wit data, The data set is not continuous. Plese note that after filtering:

d1<-dplyr::filter(th.sun.txt, th.sun.txt$description=="gensurg") d1g2<-dplyr::filter(d1, d1$retID=="2")

you will get an empty data set. So there are no 'gensurg' products in outlet no. 2. Please fix it and than it should woork.

The same problem concerns the following filtration:

d2<-dplyr::filter(th.sun.txt, th.sun.txt$description=="ortho") d2g1<-dplyr::filter(d2, d2$retID=="1")

nrow(d2g1) is zero.....

Regards, Jacek.

JacekBialek commented 1 year ago

*with data

JacekBialek commented 1 year ago

Hi again, I modified final_index and now it skips data frames with zero rows. Please install it from GitHub:

library("remotes") remotes::install_github("JacekBialek/PriceIndices")

It should be fine now even with your data set. Regards - Jacek Białek

genghiskhanofnz commented 1 year ago

@JacekBialek First and foremost, thanks for paying so much attention to my issue. Appreciated. Now works like a charm with 0.1.8 version installed from your update.

My situation is quite different to your comments.

you will get an empty data set. So there are no 'gensurg' products in outlet no. 2. Please fix it and than it should woork. The same problem concerns the following filtration: d2<-dplyr::filter(th.sun.txt, th.sun.txt$description=="ortho") d2g1<-dplyr::filter(d2, d2$retID=="1")

nrow(d2g1) is zero.....

I have 3 prodID = acute, elective and emergency operations 2 retID = 1 and 2 = description = specialties of general surgery (gensurg) and orthopaedics (ortho) So, outlet (retID) 1 is gensurg and outlet 2 ortho. They both operate on 3 prodID of acute, elective and emergency operations. This is a real-world situation in our hospital.

Absolutely true that outlet (retID) 2 != gensurg, but it is ortho specialty.

Now, you have fixed final_index = coping with my situation very well indeed = very useful PriceIndices package we are seeing now

I will be using your package in my paper and surely acknowledge you. Thank you so much. G

JacekBialek commented 1 year ago

@genghiskhanofnz Hi, I am really glad I could help. Your specific data set made me to improve the package so I would like to thank you too :) Anyway, if it works now, please consider citing the following publications:

Białek, J. (2021). PriceIndices – a New R Package for Bilateral and Multilateral Price Index Calculations, Statistika – Statistics and Economy Journal, Vol. 2/2021, 122-141, Czech Statistical Office, Praga. Białek, J. (2022). Scanner data processing in a newest version of the PriceIndices package, Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 38 (4), 1369-1397, DOI: 10.3233/SJI-220963.

And by the way - the version from GitHub will be available one CRAN in 24 hours.

Best regards and good luck with your publications and study, Jacek.

genghiskhanofnz commented 1 year ago

@JacekBialek Your references are already in my reference section but with (version 0.1.7. See here. Białek, J. (2023). PriceIndices: Calculating Bilateral and Multilateral Price Indexes (Version 0.1.7). This is using citation() function. My citation appears to be wrong in comparison to yours above. If I had a chance, then talk to you in-person online say, "thank you". I see a huge potential in your PriceIndices package. See you soon. Will send you a link to my paper when publlished. G

genghiskhanofnz commented 1 year ago

@JacekBialek How can I interpret price quantity contributions from your bennet function? Not much in your manual. Need your advice. I am weak at that contribution area. Thanks.

genghiskhanofnz commented 1 year ago

Bennet, T. L., (1920). The Theory of Measurement of Changes in Cost of Living. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 83, 455-462

I read the book but fail to understand it.

JacekBialek commented 1 year ago

Hi, please give me your private email - I will send you interesting papers concerning the Bennet indicators. It should help:) Regards - Jacek.

Od: Genghis Khan @.> Wysłane: wtorek, 4 lipca 2023 01:39 Do: JacekBialek/PriceIndices @.> DW: Jacek Białek @.>; Mention @.> Temat: Re: [JacekBialek/PriceIndices] A data frame is empty from final_index function (Issue #4)

Bennet, T. L., (1920). The Theory of Measurement of Changes in Cost of Living. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 83, 455-462

I read the book but fail to understand it.

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genghiskhanofnz commented 1 year ago

I need to delete it after receiving your papers. Thanks. G