Jack-H-Buckner / UniversalDiffEq.jl

Universal differential equations for ecologists
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Expand model analysis functions for multiple time series #31

Open zechmeunier opened 1 month ago

zechmeunier commented 1 month ago

Currently, the functions get_right_hand_side, phase_plane, print_parameter_estimates, plot_forecast, get_NN_parameters, and get_parameters don't work for multiple time series. When I pass them models with the MultiUDE format, I get the error MethodError: no method matching <function name>(::UniversalDiffEq.MultiUDE).

jarroyoe commented 3 weeks ago

get_right_hand_side, print_parameter_estimates, get_NN_parameters, and get_parameters are all the same functioning and can be expanded to include MultiUDE on the same definition.

For phase_plane, the phase plane is mathematically the same, but we could be observing different regions with different time series. I think that MultiUDE would need to consider the boundaries of the phase plane based on the boundaries of the observed data.

I think that for plot_forecast, one would need to include an id to ensure the forecast takes a single time series. Thoughts?

jarroyoe commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed the trivial cases on commit https://github.com/Jack-H-Buckner/UniversalDiffEq.jl/commit/881cdfefad0a1d172564817d88d38a6592085731