Jack-H-Buckner / UniversalDiffEq.jl

Universal differential equations for ecologists
MIT License
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Update forecasting functions to account for MCMC Optimizers #38

Closed jarroyoe closed 3 weeks ago

jarroyoe commented 3 weeks ago

Follow up on issue https://github.com/Jack-H-Buckner/UniversalDiffEq.jl/issues/27. Both NUTS! and SGLD! create a vector of parameters, where each entry is a draw of the posterior distribution. All forecasting functions need to account for this, for each parameter combination in the posterior, one can do an individual prediction and calculate the percentiles of the confidence interval using StatsBase.percentile.

jarroyoe commented 3 weeks ago

Added on commit https://github.com/Jack-H-Buckner/UniversalDiffEq.jl/commit/3bb4328295d235fae1f61d0ed81a15a9adc58414