JackAILab / ConsistentID

Customized ID Consistent for human
MIT License
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fyi - I asked Claude Opus to reachitecture the paper to find ways to improve things #31

Open johndpope opened 4 months ago

johndpope commented 4 months ago
Yes, the approach presented in the ConsistentID paper could potentially be rearchitectured to find better solutions. Here are a few ideas for improving the architecture and methodology:

**Integrate more advanced language models:** The current approach uses LLaVA1.5 for generating facial descriptions. Consider experimenting with more advanced language models, such as GPT-3 or GPT-4, which have shown impressive results in various natural language tasks. These models could potentially generate more accurate and detailed facial descriptions, leading to better ID consistency.
**Explore alternative facial parsing methods:** The paper uses BiSeNet for facial parsing. While BiSeNet is a well-established method, there might be more advanced or efficient facial parsing techniques available. Investigating and comparing different facial parsing models could lead to improved segmentation accuracy and faster processing times.
**Incorporate 3D facial information:** The current approach relies on 2D facial features and descriptions. Consider incorporating 3D facial information, such as 3D facial landmarks or 3D morphable models, to capture more accurate facial geometry and improve ID consistency across different poses and expressions.
Employ adversarial training: Introduce an adversarial training scheme, similar to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), to encourage the generation of more realistic and consistent facial images. The generator (ConsistentID) could be trained to produce images that fool a discriminator network, which tries to distinguish between real and generated images.
**Utilize attention mechanisms:** Explore the use of attention mechanisms, such as self-attention or cross-attention, to better capture the relationships between different facial regions and their corresponding descriptions. Attention mechanisms could help the model focus on the most relevant information for preserving ID consistency.
**Investigate multi-stage generation:** Instead of generating the entire facial image at once, consider a multi-stage generation approach. This could involve generating a coarse facial structure first and then progressively refining the details in subsequent stages. Multi-stage generation has shown promising results in improving the quality and consistency of generated images.
Leverage transfer learning: Pre-train the ConsistentID model on a large-scale facial dataset and then fine-tune it on the FGID dataset. Transfer learning can help the model learn more robust and generalizable representations, leading to better ID consistency across different identities and attributes.
Incorporate user feedback: Develop an interactive system that allows users to provide feedback on the generated images. The feedback could be used to fine-tune the model and improve its performance over time. This iterative refinement process could help the model generate images that better align with user preferences and expectations.
Conduct extensive evaluations: Perform comprehensive evaluations of the ConsistentID model using a wide range of metrics, including both quantitative measures (e.g., identity verification accuracy) and qualitative assessments (e.g., user studies). Thorough evaluations can provide insights into the model's strengths and weaknesses and guide further improvements.
Explore multi-modal extensions: Investigate the integration of other modalities, such as voice or video, to enhance the ID consistency and realism of the generated images. Multi-modal information could provide additional cues for preserving identity and generating more coherent facial expressions and animations.

These are just a few ideas for rearchitecting the ConsistentID approach. The specific improvements and modifications will depend on the research goals, available resources, and target applications. Experimenting with different architectures, training strategies, and evaluation methods can lead to the discovery of better solutions for high-fidelity and ID-consistent facial image generation.

I'm working on recreating another paper - VASA-1 https://github.com/johndpope/vasa-1-hack I leveraged this codebase to piggy back from https://github.com/yerfor/Real3DPortrait/

it has a face 3d helper

I give this file context to Claude - and simply ask it to leverage the code - to upgrade this codebase


i attempt to implement some updates on my branch here (but may you guys have more time to look at this) https://github.com/johndpope/consistentid

JackAILab commented 4 months ago

Yes, your idea is great, thanks for the advice! @johndpope Finding more effective and stable ID prior knowledge, as well as ID decoupling methods are the core of the personalized portrait generation task. Everyone is welcome to experiment, discuss and PR.

The core module of VASA-1 is MegaPortraits, a physically meaningful motion and ID decoupling framework. Coincidentally, we are also paying attention to ID consistency maintenance on character video tasks, and have reproduced some MegaPortraits modules. We find that some of the face registration experience here can be borrowed for ID preservation in image generation.

These will be verified in subsequent experiments, and the results and conclusions will be synchronized here should any progress be made.

johndpope commented 4 months ago

Been working on this https://github.com/johndpope/MegaPortrait-hack

I believe one of the key authors from Samsung ai labs of megaportraits(now working at Facebook) will open source emoportraits in July.

in mean time -I’m close to recreating entire paper. Just blowing up on training loop.