JackD83 / PyMenu

Menu for the PAP KIII Plus written in python and pygame
GNU General Public License v3.0
34 stars 9 forks source link

Remove file extension? #17

Open DynaMight1124 opened 5 years ago

DynaMight1124 commented 5 years ago


I love PyMenu, it's awesome and every release adds great features and functions.

One thing I'd maybe like to see would be the ability to remove file extensions e.g. remove .zip after the file names. So the game list reads Sonic 2, rather than Sonic 2.zip.


JackD83 commented 5 years ago

You can use the file filter option in the settings of an entry. It will hide all files without the supported extensions and will hide the extension as well. If youenable the option, you need currently a restart of pymenu to work

DynaMight1124 commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, yes that was it, I wasnt restarting but I see thats been changed in the latest update now too.

I dont know if its by design or a little bug but I have noticed that if File Filter and Gamelist are both enabled it will revert back to showing the extension of the file again.