JackD83 / PyMenu

Menu for the PAP KIII Plus written in python and pygame
GNU General Public License v3.0
34 stars 9 forks source link

Install RS-07 Pymenu #20

Open DIERSON opened 5 years ago

DIERSON commented 5 years ago

Hello. I think I'm going crazy. I can't install Pymenu v.1.5.5 on my Retro Arcade A8 RS-07. I see videos that people have it installed but I'm not able to do it. The hardware version of the machine is the RETRO ARCADE 4.3-V1.3. I have configured in an SD the version of Arcademini firmware v1.33.4 but then when with the Commander I give him to install the version .ipk of Pymenu does not install it. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong. Can someone help me? Thank you

JackD83 commented 5 years ago

PyMenu is currently only developed for the RetroFW wich is not (yet) available for the RS-07. I will release special builds for the RS-07 once the FW gets available.

The videos that you can find are from a very old version where the other devices like the RS-97 and the LDK still had the same (base) firmware as the RS-07

DIERSON commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. Now it's clearer. Thank you again. Anyway, it would be great if Pymenu worked in RS-07.