JackD83 / PyMenu

Menu for the PAP KIII Plus written in python and pygame
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem with Megadrive roms showing #23

Open electro-soma opened 4 years ago

electro-soma commented 4 years ago

Hi - I have a problem with the Megadrive section showing roms. I noticed another user on the dingoonity forum having the exact same problem. When I add the rom folder location all the games appear. If I run a rom it executes fine but when I quit the rom and exit back to the Megadrive section the rom list is empty. To get the roms to appear again I have to select the rom folder location again each time I want to see the rom list. Of course, the rom list disappears again after running and exiting a game. As a work around I have added a few Megadrive games to my favourites list. Hope you can help. Excellent menu system.

electro-soma commented 4 years ago

I made a bit of progress. I found a hidden file which I deleted and things now work as expected. However, the problem now is every rom has a corresponding file starting ._

JackD83 commented 4 years ago

I can not reproduce this issue. What emulator are you using? Do you have other files in the folder than the roms? Are you using the filter option?

Can you please make a list of the files you have for the megadrive?

There is not difference between the sections. If you have an error with megadrive roms, it could be that some files could not be read and the listing fails.

electro-soma commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply. Yes I fixed the initial problem. It was down to a hidden file which couldn't be read. As you suggested.

The ._ problem is common when copying files from Finder to Linux. I used the dot_clean command to remove them. Something I learned today! https://lifehacker.com/delete-mac-system-files-with-dot_clean-377011

Apologies as it seems there is no issue with PyMenu itself. Hopefully the above will help someone else though.