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Mailing List Campaign Monitor Integration Tier EndPoint #17

Open seanthepottingshed opened 6 years ago

seanthepottingshed commented 6 years ago


screen shot 2018-07-11 at 10 07 08

The above form is for the user to subscribe to Campaign Monitor lists, the Categories are as provided via the Integration Tier endpoint here:

The Integration Tier would need to have the ability to associate a Campaign Monitor listId with a given Course Category and an API endpoint to submit the following data via Ajax:

Using the Campaign Monitor API ( composer require campaignmonitor/createsend-php ) the Integration Tier would need to compare the array of courseCategoryIds against all stored in the Integration Tier. Any that are missing would mean that list would be unsubscribed from.

An appropriate response would be sent in order to display corresponding confirmation / error message in the website.

seanthepottingshed commented 6 years ago

Further to the above - Course Sub Categories are not displayed in the Mailing List Sign-up form for sake of simplicity, should the user select a Category which has Sub Categories ( which is only FInance at the moment ), the user will be subscribed to all of the Sub Category lists.

PeteHaK commented 6 years ago

understood - can you check with Josh cos I thought a new Category structure was agreed where every category would have sub-categories and we would work at the sub-category level - appreciate this isn't how things are at the moment

seanthepottingshed commented 6 years ago


No worries, I will check with Josh as I could do with clarification too, it's no biggie we just all need to be on the same page.

PeteHaK commented 6 years ago

Understood - I'm just going into some Brexit stuff so will be quiet over the next 48 hours - will re-engage Friday - apologies

seanthepottingshed commented 6 years ago


No worries, you must be one of the only people that know's what is going off with Brexit then!

joshgosselin commented 6 years ago

On the categories; we can work to fit to administrate/business requirements and a course will always belong to a sub category.

However from a user perspective a category with a single sub category is a bit confusing. If we use Law as an example - they have a Law as the parent category and the only sub-category is law.

Can the integration tier handle the situation when a category only has a single sub category and just provide the parent category and ignore the sub category in this end point.

We we are talking about the relationship of a course, to a category, we just need to ensure that a course is related to the parent category automatically for any sub categories.

Does that make sense?