JackLeonard802 / CCC-412

Capstone Project
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Memory Analysis #4

Open JackLeonard802 opened 1 year ago

JackLeonard802 commented 1 year ago

This task will investigate memory analysis tools and techniques

JackLeonard802 commented 1 year ago


Volatility is a framework for memory forensics that can be used for memory analysis. The following factors are involved in memory analysis with Volatility:

https://www.volatilityfoundation.org/ https://www.varonis.com/blog/how-to-use-volatility

JackLeonard802 commented 1 year ago


Rekall is a powerful and adaptable memory forensics framework that offers a wide range of capabilities for analyzing device memory. Rekall's key capabilities include the following:

http://www.rekall-forensic.com/ https://github.com/google/rekall