JackLot / LearnGit.io

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[FEEDBACK] Learning tracks general discussion #13

Open JackLot opened 6 months ago

JackLot commented 6 months ago

Let's use this ticket to track and discuss available and upcoming learning tracks. With Git, there is a long tail of complex techniques used every once and a while, but a core set of commands and techniques used the majority of the time. Fundamentals of Git should cover that core majority, and other learning tracks should be used to supplement that core knowledge as needed.

[Complete] Fundamentals of Git

The essential Git concepts and workflows required to get up-and-running quickly. Learn how to create repositories, save progress, branch, resolve merge conflicts, and backtrack.

[In Progress - ticket] Applied Git Collaboration

Learn how Git is used in the wild. Understand the Git workflows utilized by professional software teams, and learn how to effectively collaborate with others: remote repositories, cloning, push, pull

[Scheduled (June/July 2024) - ticket] Rebase

Review the internal mechanics of rebase, and harness the ability to manipulate history. Learn interactive rebase: squash, reorder, split, reword, delete and edit.

[Scheduled (Aug/Sept 2024) - ticket] Grab Bag

Round out your Git toolbelt. This track includes lessons on cherry pick, stash, reflog and tagging.

[Proposed] Common Git Mistakes

Bite-sized lessons that guide you through fixing common Git mistakes, and tricky situations. Less structured than other tracks, and more like a knowledge base to use when needed.

[Proposed] Git for Open Source

Deep dive on contributing to open source using Git. Learn the ins-and-outs of GitHub, pull requests, and other open source best practices.

[Proposed] Advanced Git

Peel back the curtain to learn the technical inner workings of Git. Explore advanced concepts such as manipulating commits, exploring history, and more.

JackLot commented 6 months ago

[Proposed] Rewriting History (i.e. Rebase)

Learn more advanced ways to re-write Git history using everyone's favorite editing operation: rebase

Module 1 - Rebase

Module 2 - Rewriting History

JackLot commented 2 months ago

Updated the release schedule in the top comment.

TLDR; The Rebase and Grab Bag learning tracks are scheduled for release between Q2 and Q3 respectively.