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Checking and Working on Module Compatibility #23

Open ComfortableGreySloth opened 1 month ago

ComfortableGreySloth commented 1 month ago

These are the QoL modules I like to use in my games, so I'll be testing which are already good to go and which need implementation. Some are already system agnostic, but it'll be nice to have a record of their compatibility.

  1. Active Auras
  2. Active Token Effects
  3. Auto-Rotate
  4. Automated Animations
  5. Bar Brawl
  6. Boss Bar
  7. Break Time
  8. Card Hand Mini Toolbar
  9. DFreds Effects Panel
  10. Dice so Nnice!
  11. Dice Tray
  12. Effect Macro
  13. Item Macro
  14. Libwrapper
  15. MATT
  16. Polyglot
  17. PopOut!
  18. PopOutResizer
  19. Sequencer
  20. Tagger
  21. Token Action HUD (Socketlib)
  22. Token Auras
ComfortableGreySloth commented 1 month ago
  1. Actors (Player and NPC sheets could use an “Effects” tab)
    Character Sheet
    i.  Proficiency is not visible or editable from sidebar (I pushed this edit already)
    ii. Cards: Perhaps call normal cards “Background” cards instead? I understand distinguishing them from domain cards, but normal doesn’t seem like the right word. 
  2. No way to flip cards over after use, still need to use the native card functions. Nearest thing is starting with cards expanded, and closing them when used. A checkbox would be good. iii. Inventory: This is generally good, I like how you handle equipment. Will keep it in mind when trying to add module compatibility. iv. Leveling: The class sheet has the correct “at (TIER UP) +1 proficiency” but the character sheet does not. Nothing is automated.

    GM Sheet i. No way to edit name after creation ii. Maybe have a cheat sheet here for what the tokens can be spent on, and a draggable location to put an environment for reference.

NPC Sheet Attack Roll and Damage Roll should display the modifier IMHO. Should be additional slots for multiple weapons and damage, not every enemy has a single weapon

  1. Items
    Armor does not have an option for reducing agility or evasion
    b.  Card
    i.  I think features should be draggable here, it would help with “Mixed Ancestry”
    c.  Class
    i.  Name is not editable after creating
    ii. Features are not draggable into class features section
    iii.    Neat way to handle advances! Might want to give these effects so that they can be automated. It works to add multiples of the same advance, but might be better if a single advance could have multiple boxes. 
    d.  Domain
    i.  What is “Type” ? Maybe another tab for “Effects”
    e.  Feature
    i.  Description, attributes, and effects are not editable. Isn’t draggable into anything, doesn’t do anything.
    f.  Item
    i.  Generic gear, works fine but maybe should have a “Quantity”, “Equippable” or similar options.
    g.  Weapon
    i.  Quite good, needs a place to put penalties (Like longbow penalty to evasion) and bonuses (like shield to armor)
    h.  Should “Advancement” be another item type? Might make it draggable, and make implementing effects easier.
  2. Cards a. Maybe there is a way to connect a character to a hand, and have it automatically populate? In my version I use “Decks” for vaults and “Hands” for… hands.
  3. Modules
    Active Auras (Incompatible)
    b.  Active Token Effects (Incompatible)
    c.  Auto-Rotate (Compatible)
    d.  Automated Animations (Incompatible)
    e.  Bar Brawl (Fully Compatible, even has defaults to health and stress)
    f.  Boss Bar (Seems incompatible, tried system.health.value/max and @health.value/max and other permutations)
    g.  Break Time (Compatible)
    h.  Card Hand Mini Toolbar (Compatible)
    i.  DFreds Effects Panel (Incompatible)
    j.  Dice so Nnice! (Compatible)
    k.  Dice Tray (Compatible)
    l.  Effect Macro (Incompatible)
    m.  Item Macro (Partially compatible)
    n.  Libwrapper (Dependency)
    o.  MATT (Compatible)
    p.  Polyglot (Partially compatible, no default)
    q.  PopOut! (Fully compatible, can even edit character text boxes)
    r.  PopOutResizer (Fully compatible)
    s.  Sequencer (Compatible)
    t.  Tagger (Compatible)
    u.  Token Action HUD (Socketlib, Incompatible)
    v.  Token Auras (Fully compatible)
JackPyro commented 1 month ago

Wow, that's a lot of good info. Thank you very much. I'm was a busy at work these couple weeks, but I'm trying to get back to VTT dev, so this list is perfect.