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Custom drawing ListView SubItem causes subsequent subitems to be drawn with stock font #13

Open JackTrapper opened 5 years ago

JackTrapper commented 5 years ago



If you perform drawing during a TListView.OnCustomDrawSubItem:

procedure TForm2.ListView1CustomDrawSubItem(Sender: TCustomListView;
  Item: TListItem; SubItem: Integer; State: TCustomDrawState;
  var DefaultDraw: Boolean);
    rc: TRect;
    oldColor: TColor;
   s: string;
   sz: TSize;
   pt: TPoint;
    if (SubItem = 1) then
    ListView_GetSubItemRect(ListView1.Handle, Item.Index, SubItem, LVIR_BOUNDS, @rc);

        oldColor := Sender.Canvas.Brush.Color;
        Sender.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
        Sender.Canvas.Brush.Color := oldColor;

        s := DateToStr(Now);
        sz := Sender.Canvas.TextExtent(s);
        Sender.Canvas.Font := ListView1.Font;
        Sender.Canvas.TextOut(rc.Left, Round((rc.Top+rc.Bottom-sz.cy)/2), s);
        DefaultDraw := False;

Then subsequent subitems will draw with the system STOCK_FONT:


The bug that causes this is located in Vcl.ComCtrls.pas, in CNNotify:

procedure TCustomListView.CNNotify(var Message: TWMNotifyLV);
  with Message do
    case NMHdr.code of
        if Assigned(FCanvas) then
          with NMCustomDraw{$IFNDEF CLR}^{$ENDIF} do
            if (dwDrawStage and CDDS_ITEM) = 0 then
              if (dwDrawStage and CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) = CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT then

                  // This is the function that should run every time, undoing the damage because someone chose to use TCanvas for drawing.
                  // Since the use of the TCanvas ship has sailed, the only thing ListView can do now is undo the damage caused by using TCanvas.
                  // This block should run every time, rather than when they *think* the canvas has changed.
                  // The problem is that TCanvas is not used for drawing on a GDI device context; it is not an object-oriended wrapper around GDI drawing functions.
                  // We know this because when a TCanvas is destroyed (or disconnected by a target device context by setting .Handle := 0), 
                  // the last thing the TCanvas does in a violent tantrum is vandalize and destroy everyting about the DC it was drawing on:
                  // - it destroys the current font, and resets the DC to STOCK_FONT (a Windows 2 era thing)
                  // - it destroys the current background mode
                  // - it changes the current foreground and background colors
                  // It does everything possible to vandalaize as much as possible.
                  // TCanvas was not meant to "draw" on an HDC for you, it was meant to **own it**. And fundamentally it cannot own the DC owned by a listview,
                  // because the listview owns it. We're only here to draw on it for a while; not trash it when we're done drawing one small thing.
                  // The use of TCanvas is completely inappropriate, and ideally the VCL would have a TDrawCanvas that simply wraps GDI functions onto a destination HDC.
                  // But they don't, so we have to be sure to preserve everything about the HDC when we get rid of the TCanvas in order to put everything back.
                  if FCanvasChanged then
                    FCanvasChanged := False;
                    FCanvas.Font.OnChange := nil;
                    FCanvas.Brush.OnChange := nil;
                    with LVCustomDraw{$IFNDEF CLR}^{$ENDIF} do
                      clrText := ColorToRGB(FCanvas.Font.Color);
                      clrTextBk := ColorToRGB(FCanvas.Brush.Color);
                      if GetObject(FCanvas.Font.Handle, SizeOf(LogFont), @LogFont) <> 0 then
                        // BUG: Setting the canvas handle to zero destroys the font, and everything else about the DC
                        FCanvas.Handle := 0;  // disconnect from hdc

                        Result := Result or CDRF_NEWFONT;
                  // This was where the font would have been removed from the DC if FCanvasChanged was false. 
                  // It would happen because FCanvas.Handle would be non-zero. 
                  FCanvas.Handle := 0;

The problem is that TCanvas should not be used for drawing on a DC.

But TCanvas is not meant to draw on a supplied DC. It is meant to own a DC. This lack of understanding of what a TCanvas is, is exemplified by the line:

FCanvas.Handle := 0;  // disconnect from hdc

There is no way to "disconnect" a DC from a TCanvas. Like a psycho girlfriend, any attempt to cut it out of your life and it will go rogue:

procedure TCanvas.SetHandle(Value: HDC);
    if FHandle <> 0 then

In which DeselectHandles is the crazy part:

procedure TCanvas.DeselectHandles;
    SelectObject(FHandle, StockPen); //trash whatever pen you had in your DC
    SelectObject(FHandle, StockBrush); //trash whatever brush you had in your DC
    SelectObject(FHandle, StockFont); //trash whatever font you had in your DC

Ideally we would use a TCustomCanvas descendant that didn't expect to be the owner of the DC.

Instead we use a horrible hack. Before disconnecting the DC from the TCanvas:

then disconnect the DC


procedure TCustomListView.CNNotify(var Message: TWMNotifyLV);
    nMode : Integer;
  with Message do
    case NMHdr.code of
        if Assigned(FCanvas) then
          // Remember the BkMode this DC started with before any custom draw calls (likely TRANSPARENT).
          // If the BkMode is altered by FCanvas.Brush and not restored then the text painted on the next ListItem
          // will have a black background when the ListView is in themed mode. We initially decided to change the
          // brush style but that was not picking up all cases. That likely happens because a brush style change
          // doesn't necessarily materialize until some form of painting happens using the brush. We decided that
          // this code should assume that the DC needs to be put back to exactly how we received it after the custom
          // painting so we do that in the finally near the bottom of this case statement.
          nMode := GetBkMode(NMCustomDraw{$IFNDEF CLR}^{$ENDIF}.hdc); // Record the BkMode of the HDC it was initially passed to us

          with NMCustomDraw{$IFNDEF CLR}^{$ENDIF} do
            if (dwDrawStage and CDDS_ITEM) = 0 then
              if (dwDrawStage and CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) = CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT then
                  FCanvas.Handle := hdc; //here we mistakenly give a ListView-supplied DC to a TCanvas object
                  FCanvas.Font := Font;   //and setup the Font for drawing
                  FCanvas.Brush := Brush; //and setup the Brush for drawing


                  // This is the function that should run every time, undoing the damage because someone chose to use TCanvas for drawing.
                  // Since the use of the TCanvas ship has sailed, the only thing ListView can do now is undo the damage caused by using TCanvas.
                  // This block should run every time, rather than when they *think* the canvas has changed.
                  // The problem is that TCanvas is not used for drawing on a GDI device context; it is not an object-oriended wrapper around GDI drawing functions.
                  // We know this because when a TCanvas is destroyed (or disconnected by a target device context by setting .Handle := 0), 
                  // the last thing the TCanvas does in a violent tantrum is vandalize and destroy everyting about the DC it was drawing on:
                  // - it destroys the current font, and resets the DC to STOCK_FONT (a Windows 2 era thing)
                  // - it destroys the current background mode
                  // - it changes the current foreground and background colors
                  // It does everything possible to vandalaize as much as possible.
                  // TCanvas was not meant to "draw" on an HDC for you, it was meant to **own it**. And fundamentally it cannot own the DC owned by a listview,
                  // because the listview owns it. We're only here to draw on it for a while; not trash it when we're done drawing one small thing.
                  // The use of TCanvas is completely inappropriate, and ideally the VCL would have a TDrawCanvas that simply wraps GDI functions onto a destination HDC.
                  // But they don't, so we have to be sure to preserve everything about the HDC when we get rid of the TCanvas in order to put everything back.

                  //if FCanvasChanged then  BUGFIX: Run this every time; not just if we think the canvas has changed.
                    //FCanvasChanged := False; BUGFIX: do this now at the end

                    if FCanvasChanged then
                      FCanvas.Font.OnChange := nil;
                      FCanvas.Brush.OnChange := nil;
                    with LVCustomDraw{$IFNDEF CLR}^{$ENDIF} do
                      if FCanvasChanged then // It seems reasonable to leave these alone unless we "think" they are different.
                        clrText := ColorToRGB(FCanvas.Font.Color);
                        clrTextBk := ColorToRGB(FCanvas.Brush.Color);

                      // This is the code we really want to run all the time because it fixes the font in the hdc
                      if GetObject(FCanvas.Font.Handle, SizeOf(LogFont), @LogFont) <> 0 then
                        // BUG: Setting the canvas handle to zero destroys the font, and everything else about the DC
                        //      The comment reveals the flawed thinking of the original developer" "Disconnect from HDC". 
                        //      There is no way to disconnect a canvas from an HDC; there's no way to cut it off. 
                        //      During the act of setting FCanvas.Handle := 0, the TCanvas vandalizes everything it possibly can about the DC
                        FCanvas.Handle := 0;  // disconnect from hdc

                        // BUGFIX: We only set the flag if someone has changed the canvas
                        if FCanvasChanged then
                          Result := Result or CDRF_NEWFONT;
                    {$IFDEF CLR}
                    NMLVCustomDraw := LVCustomDraw;
                    FCanvasChanged := False; //BUGFIX: this moved now here to the bottom
                  // This was where the font would have been removed from the DC if FCanvasChanged was false. 
                  // It would happen because FCanvas.Handle would be non-zero.
                  // Now the code above runs, fixes the font and sets FCanvas.Handle := 0 before it gets here. 
                  // In that case the call below does nothing because the handle value is already 0. 
                  FCanvas.Handle := 0;
            // see the note above the try statement in this block
            SetBkMode(hdc, nMode);