Jackhammer9 / RedDownloader

A python library to simplify downloading different types of media from reddit
GNU General Public License v3.0
79 stars 14 forks source link

Error: Could Not Recoganize Post Type #27

Closed LoganAC34 closed 1 year ago

LoganAC34 commented 1 year ago

Hi. I'm having an issue. Everytime I try to download media from a post, all I get is an error.

My code:

url = www.Reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/en0ho3/excited_new_parent_playing_with_new_kittens/
RedDownloader.Download(url, output=submission.title, destination="media\\")

The error:

Error: Could Not Recoganize Post Type

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Side note: "Recoganize" is misspelled. It should be "Recognize".

LoganAC34 commented 1 year ago

So I figured out my issue with this. After digging around in the source files, I found an example link, and it looks like I was missing "https:\" from my url.

Two suggestions after solving this: It would be nice to show an example url in the readme of the repository. It would be nice if we didn't need to include that or "www.reddit.com" in the url, and instead only need to include "/r/...". That way, it natively works with PRAW using submission.permalink.

I also ran into another issue after solving this. I posted another issue here: https://github.com/JackhammerYT/RedDownloader/issues/30

Jackhammer9 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for bringing the type error to my attention I'd Glady fix it and as you mentioned ill give some URL samples in readme.md issue #30 being worked upon but I'll get back to you soon about downloading the video

LoganAC34 commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Thanks for the awesome package btw!