Jackie-Chou / MC-CNN-python

a python implementation of MC-CNN
MIT License
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About runtime #6

Open AGanPoi opened 4 years ago

AGanPoi commented 4 years ago

hello!May I ask when I run the “python match.py”,it almost took 2 hours and the progess only stop in “semi-global matching for left image”. I wonder how long it takes to match at one time. It took me almost two hours to run the “Plants”. I used the GPU Tesla K80. QQ图片20200427185252

StereoCT commented 4 years ago

Same as me, it took several hours on sgm step and it's normal because python is slower than others. This is why the original code of mccnn is coded by lua.

Zhaohuai-L commented 2 years ago

Same as me,even i use double RTX3090 ,i do not work anyway. it seems like only use CPU.

AGanPoi commented 1 year ago

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