As an astronaut, I want to be able to train my spaceship flying skills, so that when I go into space I can confidently and safely operate my vehicle.
-Makes spaceship training cheaper and more accessible
-Creates a safe and accurate environment for practicing
-Space ship driving enthusiasts
-Accurate physics close to real life
-Easy to understand U.I. and controls
-Must be built on an accurate physics engine
-Create / collect assets for the U.I. and objects
-Research physics and learn how to create an accurate physics engine
Estimate: A core gameplay mechanic, hopefully perfected by the end of the project
Acceptance Criteria:
At least 90% accuracy with the physics engine
-Task passed the acceptance criteria
-Has been pushed to production
As an astronaut, I want to be able to train my spaceship flying skills, so that when I go into space I can confidently and safely operate my vehicle.
Background: -Makes spaceship training cheaper and more accessible -Creates a safe and accurate environment for practicing -Astronauts -Space ship driving enthusiasts
Requirements: -Accurate physics close to real life -Easy to understand U.I. and controls
Dependencies -Must be built on an accurate physics engine
Subtasks -Create / collect assets for the U.I. and objects -Research physics and learn how to create an accurate physics engine
Estimate: A core gameplay mechanic, hopefully perfected by the end of the project
Acceptance Criteria: At least 90% accuracy with the physics engine
DoD: -Task passed the acceptance criteria -Has been pushed to production