Jacksgong / JKeyboardPanelSwitch

For resolve the layout conflict when keybord & panel are switching (Android键盘面板冲突 布局闪动处理方案)
Apache License 2.0
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KPSwitchPanelXXXLayout 支持配置是否需要与键盘等高 #25

Closed zhangjinhuang closed 8 years ago

zhangjinhuang commented 8 years ago

KPSwitchPanelLinearLayout的高度都是固定的么, 在布局中设置了wrap_content,但是运行后高度还是固定即使里面没有内容

Jacksgong commented 8 years ago


zhangjinhuang commented 8 years ago


Jacksgong commented 8 years ago


zhangjinhuang commented 8 years ago


Jacksgong commented 8 years ago

好的,如果你们业务如此,可以先将你使用的面板,你看下里面有一个 refreshHeight 方法(如 KPSwitchPanelFrameLayout#refreshHeight(int):void),你把里面的ViewUtil.refreshHeight(this, panelHeight);注释掉应该就可以了。 我会考虑提供这个配置项的。

zhangjinhuang commented 8 years ago


Jacksgong commented 8 years ago


Jacksgong commented 8 years ago

已在 v1.4.6 带上。

zhangjinhuang commented 8 years ago


Jacksgong commented 8 years ago

@zhangjinhuang :) 主要原因是 KeyboardUtil.attach()这个是必须要的,而KpSwitchConflictUtil.attach() 这个是不必要的,用户可以根据自己的需求分开调用 KpswitchConflictUtil里面的方法而不需要调用 attach(),留意下两个方法的注解:

 * Attach the action of {@code switchPanelKeyboardBtn} and the {@code focusView} to
 * non-layout-conflict.
 * <p/>
 * You do not have to use this method to attach non-layout-conflict, in other words, you can
 * attach the action by yourself with invoke methods manually: {@link #showPanel(View)}、
 * {@link #showKeyboard(View, View)}、{@link #hidePanelAndKeyboard(View)}, and in the case of don't
 * invoke this method to attach, and if your activity with the fullscreen-theme, please ensure your
 * panel layout is {@link View#INVISIBLE} before the keyboard is going to show.
 * @param panelLayout            the layout of panel.
 * @param switchPanelKeyboardBtn the view will be used to trigger switching between the panel and
 *                               the keyboard.
 * @param focusView              the view will be focused or lose the focus.
 * @param switchClickListener    the click listener is used to listening the click event for
 *                               {@code switchPanelKeyboardBtn}.
public static void attach(final View panelLayout,
                          /** Nullable **/final View switchPanelKeyboardBtn,
                          /** Nullable **/final View focusView,
                          /** Nullable **/final SwitchClickListener switchClickListener)
 * Recommend invoked by {@link Activity#onCreate(Bundle)}
 * For align the height of the keyboard to {@code target} as much as possible.
 * For save the refresh the keyboard height to shared-preferences.
 * @param activity contain the view
 * @param target   whose height will be align to the keyboard height.
 * @param listener the listener to listen in: keyboard is showing or not.
 * @see #saveKeyboardHeight(Context, int)
public static void attach(final Activity activity, IPanelHeightTarget target,
                          /** Nullable **/OnKeyboardShowingListener listener)