Jacksgong / JKeyboardPanelSwitch

For resolve the layout conflict when keybord & panel are switching (Android键盘面板冲突 布局闪动处理方案)
Apache License 2.0
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我想再添加一个按钮弹出表情面板,该如何做? #39

Closed tczyb closed 8 years ago

tczyb commented 8 years ago


Jacksgong commented 8 years ago

PanelLayout是一个Layout(ViewGroup),你把 表情面板与功能面板都放到Panel中,切换的时候,都显示PanelLayout,然后显示 不同的面板(表情/功能)。

tczyb commented 8 years ago

KPSwitchConflictUtil.attach(panel_root, 功能, et_input) KPSwitchConflictUtil.attach(panel_root, 表情, et_input) 是这样吗

Jacksgong commented 8 years ago



// 使用这个attach.
public static void attach(final View panelLayout,
                          final View functionPanelBtn,
                          final View functionPanelViewGroup,
                          final View emojiPanelBtn,
                          final View emojiPanelViewGroup,
                          final View focusView,
                          final SwitchClickListener switchClickListener) {
    final Activity activity = (Activity) panelLayout.getContext();

    bindSubPanel(functionPanelBtn, functionPanelViewGroup, new View[]{emojiPanelViewGroup},
            focusView, panelLayout, switchClickListener);

    bindSubPanel(emojiPanelBtn, emojiPanelViewGroup, new View[]{functionPanelViewGroup},
            focusView, panelLayout, switchClickListener);

    if (KPSwitchConflictUtil.isHandleByPlaceholder(activity)) {
        focusView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
            public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
                     * Show the fake empty keyboard-same-height panel to fix the conflict when
                     * keyboard going to show.
                     * @see KPSwitchConflictUtil#showKeyboard(View, View)
                return false;

public static void bindSubPanel(final View triggerBtn, final View boundTriggerSubPanel,
                                final View[] otherSubPanelArray,
                                final View focusView, final View panelLayout,
                                final SwitchClickListener switchClickListener) {

    triggerBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            Boolean switchToPanel = null;
            if (panelLayout.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
                // panel is visible.

                if (boundTriggerSubPanel.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {

                    // bound-trigger panel is visible.
                    // to show keyboard.
                    KPSwitchConflictUtil.showKeyboard(panelLayout, focusView);
                    switchToPanel = false;

                } else {
                    // bound-trigger panel is invisible.
                    // to show bound-trigger panel.
                    for (View otherSubPanel : otherSubPanelArray) {
            } else {
                // panel is gone.
                // to show panel.
                switchToPanel = true;

                // to show bound-trigger panel.
                for (View otherSubPanel : otherSubPanelArray) {

            if (switchClickListener != null && switchToPanel != null && switchToPanel) {


chenlong0525 commented 7 years ago

我试了这种方案 可是还回闪动;希望楼主更新一下吧

Jacksgong commented 7 years ago

@chenlong0525 你可以clone demo下来跑跑看。然后对比下。demo上面是没有问题的。就是多个面板。

chenlong0525 commented 7 years ago

我现在就是添加表情面板 可是按照你上述的方式进行添加;并不可以

Jacksgong commented 7 years ago

@chenlong0525 这个和是用做什么的面板没有关系(之前在微信时,功能面板与表情面板也是这么做的):

这边选上"There are several sub-panels in on page":

b277967086 commented 6 years ago

你好。请问下一下,如果 public static boolean isHandleByPlaceholder(boolean isFullScreen, boolean isTranslucentStatus, boolean isFitsSystem) { return isFullScreen || (isTranslucentStatus && !isFitsSystem); } return false的话,就会导致onKeyboardShowing回调不能响应,这样如何知道键盘的状态呢