Use a script to collect the titles from select/specified subreddits and use this collection to learn and predict the likelihood of a given title. This is used to predict which subreddit a chosen title should belong too.
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Test and see results using Bi-directional predicting #5
Right now its P(word | prevword) * y + P(word) * (1-y) for weighting of itself and previous word
That would make sense for predicting a sentence given the beginning but since we are predicting the most likely given a phrase can use a more Markov approach and make it a factor of
P(word) * P(word | prevword) * P(word|nextword)
Right now its P(word | prevword) * y + P(word) * (1-y) for weighting of itself and previous word
That would make sense for predicting a sentence given the beginning but since we are predicting the most likely given a phrase can use a more Markov approach and make it a factor of P(word) * P(word | prevword) * P(word|nextword)