JacobBumgarner / VesselVio

An open-source application for the analysis and visualization of segmented vasculature datasets
GNU General Public License v3.0
99 stars 21 forks source link

CD for binary build deployment #32

Closed TimothyStiles closed 7 months ago

TimothyStiles commented 2 years ago

The install instructions include a link to download executable binaries for both MacOSX and Windows but I can't find these binaries as part of Vessel's latest Github release. Instead there are only links to sourceforge. On each release they should be automatically built and pushed to a github release then deployed to each systems' respective package manager (homebrew, apt-get, choco, etc).

I used to do this when I was shipping a CLI with one of my projects using GoReleaser. It's Go specific but the idea is the same. GoReleaser builds and deploys to almost every modern architecture/OS/package manager under the sun. Maybe there's a python equivalent?

JacobBumgarner commented 2 years ago

This is a great suggestion and honestly one of the things that I've been lagging with at the moment - keeping the app up to date with the GitHub releases.

To make sure I'm understanding correctly, basically anytime I push a version release, I would have a GitHub Action that would bundle the app for each OS and then send that bundle to SourceForge/etc. into an updated version folder?

It would be extremely useful if I could find something equivalent to this - I'm sure it has to exist...

TimothyStiles commented 2 years ago

This is a great suggestion and honestly one of the things that I've been lagging with at the moment - keeping the app up to date with the GitHub releases.

To make sure I'm understanding correctly, basically anytime I push a version release, I would have a GitHub Action that would bundle the app for each OS and then send that bundle to SourceForge/etc. into an updated version folder?

It would be extremely useful if I could find something equivalent to this - I'm sure it has to exist...

Exactly but you can just host each app bundle on the GitHub release page instead of using sourceforge.

JacobBumgarner commented 2 years ago

Exactly but you can just host each app bundle on the GitHub release page instead of using sourceforge

Hmmm, I didn't think GitHub allowed you to host files larger than 25 mb, though?

JacobBumgarner commented 2 years ago

Jk- please ignore that. Didn't realize that there was a different file limit for GitHub Releases. This seems like a great solution :)