JacobGarneau / Prototype1

First prototype for CART 315
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zi di playtest #10

Open ZiDiZhu opened 2 years ago

ZiDiZhu commented 2 years ago

How easily were you able to understand that you could change the axis of rotation when you were standing on platforms with the three colored lines? the basic idea is instantly understandable, but the rotation behavior took me a while to adapt to (see third question)

How do you feel about being able to rotate the room in any way you want (instead of just clockwise / counterclockwise)? do you mean: no reset when changing axis, just applies new rotation on top? : yes. its the behaviour that I first expected rotate on all axis' at the same time? : no or rotate any angle degree instead of a fixed 90degree? : yes

Did you feel like you were able to properly understand the impact your actions had on the game's environment? I thought I understood everything easily until I noticed it behaving differently that what I first expected. notably: 1.Things can only rotate on one axis at the time and resets when changing axis (I thought it would just follow the new rotation as it is) 2.player falling from the platform as it rotates along the y axis (i thought the player would move with the platform)

Did you feel like you were able to maintain your sense of direction throughout the the game? the first person view gave me motion sickness so I played while having the scene view open. so... yes. with the scene view cheat

Did you mostly plan your route before starting to move or did you improvise as you went through each level? Both

How easily were you able to understand/master the controls of the game? After about 2 minutes of figuring out its behaviour I can pretty much control it

Do you have any suggestions on what you would improve for the final game? wider camera angle and/or make a third person view option.