JacobNinja / exercism-analysis

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Not triggering 'two spaces' rule #10

Open kytrinyx opened 9 years ago

kytrinyx commented 9 years ago

Here's a bit of code that seems like it should have triggered the indentation/two spaces rule:

class Hamming
    def self.compute dna1, dna2
        #compute Hamming distance of 2 DNA strings        
        prep1 = self.prepare dna1 
        prep2 = self.prepare dna2 

        self.calculate prep1, prep2

    def self.prepare(dna)
        #preparation steps
        dna_hash = Hash.new 
        dna.split(//).each_with_index do |index, key|
            dna_hash[key] = index            

    def self.calculate(dna1, dna2)
        #if values for the same index are not the same, increase distance            
        distance = 0
        dna1.each do |key, value| 
            unless dna2[key] == value then distance+=1 end
"class Hamming\r\n    def self.compute dna1, dna2\r\n        #compute Hamming distance of 2 DNA strings        \r\n        prep1 = self.prepare dna1 \r\n        prep2 = self.prepare dna2 \r\n\r\n        self.calculate prep1, prep2\r\n    end\r\n\r\n    def self.prepare(dna)\r\n        #preparation steps\r\n        dna_hash = Hash.new \r\n        dna.split(//).each_with_index do |index, key|\r\n            dna_hash[key] = index            \r\n        end\r\n        dna_hash\r\n    end    \r\n\r\n    def self.calculate(dna1, dna2)\r\n        #if values for the same index are not the same, increase distance            \r\n        distance = 0\r\n        dna1.each do |key, value| \r\n            unless dna2[key] == value then distance+=1 end\r\n        end\r\n        distance\r\n    end\r\nend"
tejasbubane commented 8 years ago

I was wondering the same when I saw this submission http://exercism.io/submissions/f44a0b84a32547f99d7c09a539a52c08 I was going to report an issue, but found this one already there, so just adding here.